
Indigenous peoples

The word of the women – we demand progress at the Dialogue Table

Puel Mapu 29/03/23 Pu zomo taiñ zungun Since the emergence of the Argentinean people, our Machi have been persecuted and imprisoned. Today the country is at the forefront of human rights, but their practice of dispossession and criminalisation has not…

Ecuador: water is not for sale and the páramo is defending itself

The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE) presented the National Assembly with the “Draft Organic Intercultural Law for Integral Water Management”. At the event held in Quito on Tuesday 28 March 2023, Leonidas Iza, president of CONAIE Ecuador, was…

How Indigenous Land Management Practices Are a Blueprint for Climate-Resilient Agriculture

 As a rapidly warming world strains at the shortcomings in industrial farming, key lessons can be taken from Indigenous practices. By Daniel Ross Several Hollywood action films center around an impending apocalypse in the form of an asteroid on a…

China has to go beyond tokenism to ensure return of Rohingya to Myanmar

The lights are dim at the end of the tunnel in case of repatriation of Rohingya refugees living in squalid camps in the coastal district of Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh. The country hosts nearly 1.2 million Muslim Rohingya people who…

Meeting of Runasur at the III World Forum on Human Rights 2023

Under the slogan “Uniting peoples towards a Plurinational America”, a new RUNASUR Meeting was held at the Casa Nuestros Hijos, la Vida y la Esperanza de Madres de Plaza de Mayo – Línea Fundadora (ex-ESMA). The activity began with a…

Bangladesh, Myanmar need to pursue a ‘fruitful Rohingya solution strategy

A 22-member team of Myanmar immigration officials visited Rohingya refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar to verify more than 400 Rohingya refugees as part of a pilot repatriation project. Does it hold out any hope for the forcibly displaced people to…

Mapuche communities in permanent assembly

Since 1994, the Argentinean Constitution recognizes that the indigenous peoples that inhabit the country pre-exist the National State and therefore have the right to the possession and ownership of the lands they traditionally occupy. After almost 30 years, this right…

8 March: Freedom for the Mapuche women prisoners

There are many demands with which we come to this 8M. In this letter, we are writing to all the compañeras and compañeres who are organising actions in different territories of Abya Yala, to propose that the demand to the…

Less poverty, higher life expectancy and a booming economy. How did Bolivia become a booming nation?

Bolivia, a country in the Andes, has developed strongly in recent years. Since the left-wing president Evo Morales took office, poverty in the country has been more than halved, life expectancy has risen by four years and the economy is…

Winds of change: changing narratives for Rohingya community in Myanmar

Myanmar’s longest-running civil disobedience campaign against its military, the Tatmadaw, has created something that was never seen before: a unified Myanmar in the “burning state.” Not only that, but this solidarity has also changed Myanmar’s Rohingya ethnic politics. After the…

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