
Indigenous peoples

Pluriverse – The Latin American Critique of Development

This article is part of a series of contributions from the book Pluriverse – A Post-Development Dictionary, dedicated to all those who fight for the pluriverse by resisting injustice and seeking ways to live in harmony with nature. The world…

Inti Raymi-Winter Solstice-Andean New Year

By Francisco Carpio Jordan Machaq Mara and Wilkakuti (Aymara) We Tripantu (Mapuche) On the 21st of June, in the southern hemisphere, the winter solstice takes place, which in our ancestral cultures was the time to celebrate the New Year and…

Tapestry of Art Voices: Celebrating Cultural Artistry through Student Collaborations

by: Robert Dela Peña and Genevieve Balance Kupang In alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 4: Quality Education, SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, and SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals) and the National Cultural Heritage Act…

Urgent plea: let’s thwart FBI director Mr. Wray’s attempt to have an innocent man die in prison

The “United States Parole Commission” by July 1, 2024 will decide whether to grant Leonard Peltier “parole.” Leonard Peltier, who is seriously ill, will be 80 years old in a few months, 48 of which he spent in prison as…

Amazigh diaspora: Bringing a forgotten culture back to life

An essential element of a dynamic society, culture is expressed in the way it tells stories, which corresponds to the roots of a century-old and venerable tree, which “tethers” a people and gives them a solid, fixed anchor, and celebrations…

The Indigenous World 2024

Founded in 1968, IWGIA is a global human rights organisation dedicated to promoting and defending the rights of Indigenous peoples. Every year they publish a book, available free of charge in Spanish and English, in which they inform us about…

Women and Indigenous Peoples in Bolivia resist dispossession of resource-rich lands

Women and Indigenous peoples in several regions of Bolivia are resisting land seizures, deforestation, and the extraction of natural resources that affect their livelihoods, while the authorities are conspicuous by their absence to support the defense of their rights. By…

“Now more than ever”: National Reconciliation Week in Australia

Now more than ever” is the theme of National Reconciliation Week in Australia, which runs from 27 May to 3 June. A wide range of activities, including Indigenous art exhibitions, Aboriginal site walks with lessons in natural medicine, panel discussions,…

Félix Díaz, a leader in the defense of indigenous peoples

Fighter for peace, defender of indigenous peoples, President of the Participatory Indigenous Consultative Council of the Republic of Argentina, lover of dialogue, declared apolitical, co-author with Araceli Maldonado of his biography “Qarashe. A fighter for his people and for the…

New attempt to evict Mapuche community

The Coronado Inalef community is resisting eviction from its ancestral lands in El Bolsón. The granddaughters and daughters of Sara Inalef, a 93-year-old Mapuche weaver and acknowledged master of the art of weaving, are resisting eviction from the territory in…

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