
South America

We are not at war with anyone. Chile repudiates and renounces war

This popular initiative proposal has already been published and is ready to collect the 15,000 signatures needed to be part of the process of incorporating popular initiatives into the drafting of the new Chilean Constitution. The link to support the…

What “freedom” are you talking about?

Source: Laura Arroyo Gárate. News One day freedom said to the law: ‘You are in my way’. The law replied to freedom: ‘I keep you’. (Pythagoras) There is a common thread that links cases that seem distant but are…

Peru: 20|01: open assembly called for Repsol oil spill

The organisation Fridays for Future Peru is calling for an open assembly to gather information from social organisations, collectives and leaders interested in taking action against the oil spill in Ventanilla. The La Pampilla refinery, which belongs to the multinational…

Victoria Sur: “Singing is one of the most precious forms of freedom”.

With six albums released, Victoria Sur is one of the most powerful voices in Colombian music. Nominated for the Latin Grammy 2021, winner of countless competitions in her country, she has performed on various stages in Latin America and Europe.…

[Peru] The “Plata como cancha” case: lessons on the professional ethics of journalists

Judge Raúl Jesús Vega, of the 30th Criminal Court of the Lima Superior Court of Justice, sentenced Christopher Acosta, author of the book “Plata como cancha”, to a two-year suspended prison sentence for defamation and ordered him to pay civil…

Constitutional Commission approves opinion of insistence on law restricting referendums

Source: The text, drafted by the group chaired by Patricia Juárez, rejects the remarks of President Castillo, rejecting that the law affects the right to citizen participation or that it violates the constitutional principles related to the referendum. The…

A national campaign in defence of water

Fifty social and environmental organisations are promoting a campaign for the care of and access to water as a human right. They question the activities that pollute it and propose the democratisation of the commons. Lake Colhue Huapi covered 53,000…

Popular constituent initiative to renounce and repudiate the war

With the proposals presented by the social base, through a virtual platform, the process of incorporating popular initiatives into the drafting of the new Chilean Constitution is being carried out. Among these initiatives is the one presented by one of…

The sad childhood of the pandemic

Current living conditions place limits on childhood development. As my friend Susana said: “When we see children every day, we don’t realise how much their behaviour has changed. They are sad. This one-off observation has made me reflect on the…

When “MAS” becomes less

By Rafael Bautista S.* An unjust and even useless war has been unleashed (against Vice President David Choquehuanca), because what it will provoke is not even to put an end to the supposed “competence” of the “sole leader”, but rather…

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