
South America

President Boric: let hope become reality

Thirty years have passed and, although the dictatorship ended, the political class, of all stripes, made no substantive efforts to democratise politics or to modify the economic model of injustices and abuses installed by Pinochet and the Chicago Boys. This…

Indigenous mysticism and its relationship with the environment

It is no secret that, over the years, environmental issues have generated an exponential increase in the negative impacts affecting the planet. Problems such as greenhouse gas emissions, waste generation and disposal, deforestation, among other factors, have become the “focus”…

Does Gabriel Boric Have the Answer?

Who is Gabriel Boric?  He is the recently elected 35-year-old President of Chile. What is the question to which Gabriel Boric might have the answer? It is:  “How can the tide be turned so that social democracy, which is now  at…

What do you want me to say? It makes me want to cry

The agreement between Argentina and the International Monetary Fund began to be debated yesterday in the Budget Commission of the Chamber of Deputies and on Thursday it will reach the Chamber of Deputies. By Jorge Pardés This is the first…

Here we are! #8M

We unite the threads of the historic struggle in a single script. Here we are the grandmothers, mothers, daughters and granddaughters of the patriarchy. We come together because we are the same voices that were never silent at different moments…

Demonstration in repudiation of the conflict in Ukraine

In front of the former National Congress in Santiago, where the Constitutional Convention is currently in session, a demonstration took place yesterday, called by the humanist organisation “World without Wars and without Violence”, in which participated -among others- the recently…

The Boric effect on Chilean youth

This article is part of issue 0 of the recently launched humanist magazine Ciclos. Many analyses have been made of last December’s presidential election in Chile, where Gabriel Boric won at the polls with historic popular support that surpasses even…

Boric’s victory from a humanist point of view

Almost two months have passed since Gabriel Boric’s victory in the second round, an electoral victory that caused an impact not only in Chile but also internationally. Such impact came from different perspectives, from the geopolitical perspective announcing the failure…

Violence against women: prevention is better than suffering its consequences

These days we are exposed by TV, the media and social networks to the violence of war. Other times it is a femicide, as in the case of Ámbar Cornejo in 2020, or a contract killing as is becoming common…

Elections in Chile 2021: The inspiration of a generation

I started writing this analysis on Sunday 19 December. I thought that a good analysis should not be affected by the conjunctural situation of an election. The atmosphere was expectant. Problems of locomotion to go to vote and a confrontation…

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