
South America

Time to reinvent our guiding words

Our guiding words, those powerful words that guide us, direct us, motivate us, matter a lot. Spoken words are not ethereal entities that are blown away by the wind, and even words imagined without being spoken have profound effects on…

Declaration for a world without wars and violence

We all recognize the escalating violence that plagues our planet. It is not something new. Violence has always been there because it is inherent in the system we live in.  At times we are shaken by the spectacle of war,…

Shoot at the Chilean Constitutional Convention

Is the resignation, without a corresponding replacement, of the members of the Constitutional Convention to be considered a new aggression to those that the Constitutional Convention constantly receives? PRELIMINARY The Constitutional Convention is, without a doubt, ‘the’ problem of the…

Health risks from open pit mining

The legacy of mining in San Antonio Oeste: Current health risks, due to contamination effects of open-pit mining. We interviewed Patricia Llonch, member of the Multisectoral Commission for the lead problem in San Antonio Oeste, located in the coastal town…

Let’s go for a feminist Latin America!

On the occasion of the change of government that took place in Chile, many guests came to the country, especially women leaders of the different feminist movements. The international feminist meeting “Macarena Valdés”, organised by the Feminist Coordinator of Apruebo…

Day by day and experience

There is no doubt that we are living in a world that surprises us day by day, however I can assure you that there are also people who don’t expect anything and nothing surprises them. Some say that this state…

The original ceremonial to begin to govern

Early this morning the new President Gabriel Boric began the day together with his partner Irina Karamanos, the ministers, undersecretaries, and the ancestral authorities of our native people’s representative of the whole territory. The purpose is to generate intercultural work…

Ecuador: IESS patients demand medicines, fair treatment, and no privatisation of health care

A sit-in was held in Quito in response to the shortage of drugs to treat catastrophic illnesses. By Viviana Erazo With slogans and banners, members of the Social Security Institute, IESS, staged a sit-in to denounce the lack of medicines…

“We would not be here without the mobilisations”, first speech of President Boric

From the balcony of the Palacio de La Moneda and before a square completely overflowing with people, Gabriel Boric, the youngest President in the history of Chile, gave his first speech in which he called for unity and reunion, reaffirmed…

Opinion vote

8 March 2022. The Spectator My vote is not secret. Humberto de la Calle led the two political realities with the greatest positive impact in the last 100 years in Colombia: The Constituent Assembly of 1991 and the Peace Agreement…

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