
South America

The right-wing campaign of terror: a history of media intimidation to keep its privileges intact

An editorial in the Conservative Party’s El Diario Ilustrado, signed by Joaquín Díaz Garcés and published on Wednesday 12 May 1920, stated: “Arturo Alessandri… is ambitious and audacious. By his race he is a Renaissance Italian. By his mental structure,…

Murder of Francisca Sandoval: Violence against the media and state complicity

On Sunday, May 1st, Francisca Sandoval, an independent media journalist, was shot in the face. Since that day and after a complex operation to remove the bullet, we have been waiting for her farewell, after the announcement that she was…

Courage, said Freud

I write this column on the day that Carlos Gaviria – master and philosopher of life, politics and true justice – would have turned 85. He worked, read and taught to try to make the country less unequal, freer from…

Journalist Francisca Sandoval dies after being shot at while covering May Day demonstration

Francisca Sandoval, a social communicator for La Victoria’s Señal 3, died on Thursday 12 May. The journalist was being treated at the ex-Posta Central de Santiago, after being shot in the head by an individual in concert with the militarised…

The new constitution is full democracy

The transition from military rule to democracy has proved a failure. The majority of society no longer believes that growth and welfare are the solutions to economic and social ills, nor that the current political institutions are the paradigm of…

Chile today: a laboratory to revive democracy. Interview with Giorgio Boccardo, Undersecretary of Labor

In one of the darkest moments in the history of humankind, while the 21st century is starting as badly as the previous one, the horrible news about the war in Ukraine is overshadowing a positive fact, which gives a sign…

Brazil: Why (and how) do we still have to talk about 13 May?

For 300 years, the Negroes of the African continent were subjugated and enslaved in various parts of the world, including Brazil. It was three centuries of dehumanisation of millions of people. Today, 134 years afterwards its legal abolition in Brazilian…

Interview with Marcelo Castillo, spokesperson of the Coordinating Committee for the renationalization of Copper and Big Mining in Chile

We interviewed Marcelo Castillo Duvauchelle in his capacity as spokesperson for the Coordinadora por la Renacionalización del Cobre y la Gran Minería, as we were interested to know what he thinks of the deliberations that have taken place regarding the…

Educating by example

In a world where discourse is increasingly distanced from behaviour, the phrase once uttered by Albert Einstein becomes relevant: “Educating by example is not one way of educating, it is the only way”. Educating and teaching are two words that…

Boric pledges $35 billion increase in Conadi budget for land purchases

Today, Wednesday, for the first time, a session of the National Council of Conadi (National Corporation for Indigenous Development) took place in the Palacio de La Moneda, which according to the Mapuche councillor, Francisca Huirilef, was a historic milestone that…

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