
South America

Is political voluntarism a tool for social transformation?

The goals set by modern societies in terms of well-being have not been met in the quantity and dimension that people expected, generating social unrest. The responsibility for achieving these achievements has been placed on political leaders; however, given the…

Why ‘Bolivia Is the Center of the World’ for People’s Movements

Adapted from Rogelio Mayta’s speech to the Progressive International’sSummit at the End of the World on May 12, 2022. Humanity finds itself at a crucial moment. It’s not only war and climate change that threaten life on our planet. Ideologies…

Why Are Colombian Election Candidates Auditioning in Washington?

Staging a vice-presidential candidates debate in the runup to Colombia’s May 29th national elections was entirely appropriate.  Nevertheless, the location of the event in Washington and its promotion by US-state functionaries requires some explanation. Because of its venue and sponsors,…

The marked woman

Religious intolerance imposed on the majority resembles another form of fascism. The sentencing of a Salvadoran woman to 30 years in prison for a miscarriage explicitly reveals the profound contempt of a state – under a dictatorial regime – for…

Stereotypes steal people’s dignity

A stereotype is an unchanging image, idea or description held by one social group about another. They are used to simplify an already complex life. They are reductionist generalizations that emphasize some aspects and omit others. Regardless of whether stereotypes…

Brief summary of the draft of the new Chilean Constitution

The Chilean Constituent Convention has presented the draft of a new Constitution that will be submitted to popular approval by means of a plebiscite called for next September 4. It is interesting to note that this new text has been…

Defending who?

The issue of security in Chile, in the light of the tragic events that took place in May By Cristina Bianchi In Chile the last two weeks have been characterised by the staging of new and old challenges that have…

Can Chile be saved?

The reality is that Chile has quickly caught up with the most insecure countries on the continent. It is a thing of the past that we were “the happy copy of Eden”, according to our national anthem, or that pretentious…

Obama’s Handshake With Raúl Castro Shows the Way for Biden’s Summit of the Americas

Biden should invite all the nations of the region to the summit and shake the hands of every head of state to foster better dialogue and a brighter future for the hemisphere. By Medea Benjamin On May 16, the Biden…

Chile: the first draft of the new constitution is ready

The text, which is a draft with 499 articles, must now be reviewed by the Harmonisation Commission, which will make improvements to the wording and detect possible contradictions, eliminating content that is repeated, in order to have the final document…

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