
South America

Indigenous issues in the draft constitutional bill: key aspects for an informed debate

After almost a year of intense work, the Constitutional Convention has just presented the first draft of the new constitution. In the coming weeks, it will now be up to the Convention to draw up the final draft, which will…

The brevity of life

What the statistics don’t show: the lasting effects of extreme poverty. Latin America is a rich continent. We know this when the media show us the prosperity of the most powerful and the cunningly legalised way in which they appropriate…

The end does not justify the means, and some means have unjustifiable ends

Media objectives, whether for financial gain or political influence, cannot be, or should not be, above decency, truth and justice. By Iñaki Chavez Last April, Noticias Caracol published a false story that the media outlet itself described as an “error…

The indigenous decolonial project

Public opinion polls show a progressive increase in the rejection of the project for a new Chilean Constitution. According to analysts, what favours rejection is the gap between what the constituents have drafted and what Chileans want. According to the…

Suicide of the Constitutional Convention?

The theoretical and limited democratic achievements of the Constitutional Convention (given the undemocratic quorum of two thirds, which threw out numerous articles approved by more than 60% of the Convention members) could be eliminated, if the Convention – through the…

Human Rights Activist Deported from Colombia in Runup to High Stakes Election

While enroute to observe the presidential elections in Colombia, Teri Mattson was denied entry by Colombian authorities and had her passport seized. After arriving at 6:55 am on May 22, she was forced to spend the day and the night…

Chile is Doing Something Right. Sorry, Left!

When a Wall Street propaganda media titan like the #WSJ publishes an opinion piece titled “Chile Slides Toward Constitutional Suicide,” you know you’re doing something right. Just reading the critique in the first paragraph reveals the magnitude covered by this…

Boric Government: Armed Forces in control of Araucanía

President Boric’s government risks the transformative spirit it so well represents only if it is confused by political inadequacies. He and some of his collaborators, when they were deputies, refused to approve President Piñera’s use, in Araucanía, of the “State…

“The world is looking at us”, Marilén Cabrera, Under-Secretary of National Assets

In Chile, on 11 March last, a government led by the young Gabriel Boric took office, in which the left and progressives managed to converge in a political project as an alternative to neoliberalism, which exploded on 18 October 2019.…

Colombia: Why vote, and for whom?

There are those who say that voting is useless. That no candidate fulfils his promises, that real power prevents a programme of real change from being carried out, that once “on top”, amnesia erases all moral commitment to the majority…

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