
South America

Persecution of the press in Chile: The crime of informing

Banners, candles and a palpable and heartbreaking commotion began to be seen on the afternoon of 13 May in the Plaza de la Dignidad – formerly Plaza Baquedano but popularly renamed after the social outbreak of 2019, and which is…

In love with the Constitution

It is quite understandable that those who dedicated long and intense months to the work of defining a new Constitution want this text to stand the test of time and not suffer too rapid modifications. Despite the fact that the…

Rivers have no borders, the slogan of their defenders in Peru

“Water is part of our culture, it is intrinsic to the Amazon,” says José Manuyama, a member of a river defence committee in his native Requena, a town located in the department of Loreto, the largest in Peru, with 28…

Peru: Towards effective and authentic investigative journalism

In a previous essay, we stated that the challenges of investigative journalism are how to find information that is valuable to the public; how to value, analyse and contextualise it; how to transmit it in a way that transcends the…

Angelo Sodano’s background: the Godfather of the Vatican

The main accusation against the Vatican in the pederasty scandal is that it has covered up for the guilty in recent decades. As more becomes known, Benedict XVI, then Prefect of the Doctrine of the Faith since 1981, comes out…

Without nationalisation, Apruebo is in jeopardy

The Plenary of the Constitutional Convention, with the vote and support of the right-wing Convention members, the majority of the PS, Frente Amplio and Non-Neutral Independents, has rejected the article that proposed the nationalisation of the large copper and lithium…


We are only 4,500 m ASL, after having climbed up to almost 5,000. These are the lands of the vicuña that Coquena cares for so much, and which coexist with the llama, the guanaco and the alpaca. We are in…

What is the peace and justice sought by Chilean society?

Since 2019, Chilean society has focused on how to achieve peaceful coexistence among its inhabitants, due to the violent escalation of conflicts. Specialists point out that the causes of this unrest are multivariable. However, there is not the same consensus…

Voting with social intelligence

Pilate’s legacy or post-pandemic effect, hand-washing has become a general way out. We arrived at this last week navigating between tweets and speeches of false champions of the good, and the commandments of politics became adjustable to the convenience of…

Coexistence means taking charge of conflicts

Acts of violence in school contexts have gained public relevance through the media and social networks. Some say that today we are seeing behaviour that was normalised and made invisible, others attribute it to a lack of socialisation as a…

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