
South America

The Vatican and pedophilia. The absent gospel (I)

With this title, Editorial Catalonia has just published a book on the subject. The idea has been to delineate as accurately as possible the dimensions of the phenomenon and to search for its deepest historical roots in order to understand…

Expulsions that liberate

18 July 2022, El Espectador It is 6:12 p.m. on Saturday 16 July; I am walking along and I get the first message announcing news as petty as it is absurd: Humberto de la Calle – the only statesman we…

Luis Milani, a master teacher, a great builder

By Horacio Mesón When we receive the news of the almost sudden death of a loved one who also has other attributes – such as having been for the undersigned one of the models of life – this type of…

Chilean Congress will not implement new constitution

In case of winning the “I approve” in the plebiscite of September 4th, we will face an unprecedented situation in a constituent process at world level: That the organ in charge of concretizing in laws a great part of the…

Luis Milani has left

Death, as a discreet companion, is stepping on tiptoe, silently, while it walks by our side, counting the days for an inevitable face to face encounter. Why don’t we keep it more present, don’t we reach out to it and…

The triumph of intolerance

Whether approval or rejection is imposed in the next plebiscite to define our constitutional future, everything augurs a terrible outlook if we consider that in any case what will be imposed is the triumph of intransigence and sectarianism. Especially when…

The impact of messengers

Half a century ago, the Canadian philosopher and researcher Marshall McLuhan highlighted the role of the media as much more than mere transmitters of political events, as their presence and action generate a communicational impact that is not necessarily in…

The privileged caste and its machinery of lies against the New Chilean Constitution

Those who support the Rejection of the new Constitution claim that with some reforms the current text can satisfy social demands. However, some lawyers, such as constitutionalist Miriam Henríquez (2021), point out that the rulings of the Constitutional Court (TC)…

“Espinar cannot wait”: the voices of the people affected

Nearly 40 years of mining activity in Espinar, Cusco, has had a serious impact on the native populations (K’ana population) living near the mine, such as the loss of their territories and the loss of their customs and traditions. The…

Approve to reform

The rules of “democratic” functioning that the current Pinochetista constitution illegitimately imposed, left the citizen reduced for decades to a mere entity that suffers, without having a greater participation in the political, social and economic development of the Nation. This…

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