
South America

In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king (or begs to be excused)

The evaluation of the Chilean governments of the Concertación with results of a rich society with a per capita that reached 25,000 dollars and inequality with 50% of workers and retirees living with incomes that do not cover the expenses…

Francia Márquez: “And the payment for when?

Francia Márquez has bright eyes and a deep gaze. The firmness between her eyebrows hints at the absolute correspondence between her life experience and her speech. She takes notes with her left hand in a small notebook that closes with…

The street was a party: Petro’s inauguration

Thousands of people around Plaza Bolivar in Bogota and in many parts of the country celebrated the historic milestone of Gustavo Petro’s inauguration as president of Colombia. By Fátima Martínez Petro and Francia Márquez, the vice-president, are the most visible…

“Raising Hope and Keeping Fear Away”, Paulina Acevedo, President of ANAMIC, in dialogue with the Forum on Communication for the Integration of Our America

Chile is going through a very important historical juncture. On September 4, a binding plebiscite will take place in which the population will decide whether to leave behind the current Constitution, imposed in its essence by the Pinochet dictatorship, or…

Maipú “Apruebazo” brings together more than 12,000 people with the presence of great artists

With the participation of artists such as Juanito Ayala, La Combo Tortuga, Mc Millaray, Illapu and many more, around 12,000 people gathered to support Apruebo from Maipú. A big event for Apruebo took place this Saturday afternoon in the Maipú…

Prominent sexologist Rodrigo Jarpa proposes a new approach to sex education for girls and boys

How to educate sexually intelligent children brings together the author’s 15 years of work in talks on comprehensive sex education in schools around the country, where he has collected doubts, questions and fears of parents on this subject. The book…

Undersecretary Ahumada in the right-wing crosshairs

The persistent attacks by the right wing and those in power against the Undersecretary of International Economic Relations (Serei) are signs of desperation. They are hurt that José Miguel Ahumada, in his outstanding academic work, has criticised the limits set…

Protection of the southern sector of Tunquén beach in Chile underway

The Ministry of Environment informed that it will promote the protection, as a Nature Sanctuary, of an area of 41.5 hectares. This Sunday, July 24, the Chilean Ministry of Environment, through the SEREMI of Valparaiso, reported through publication in the…

Proposal President Boric transforms rejection vote into positive constitutional option

The “I approve” of the New Constitution moved away from that 80% of those of us who voted in 2020 for the changes. 58% say they are afraid and not enthusiastic. The bad thing about the proposed constitutional text is…

Asian support for Chile’s new Constitution

Chile’s new Constitutional Draft waiting for approval by plebiscite on September 4th 2022 represents the culmination of a long process initiated by the social outburst of October 19, 2019. The draft is the result of a unique, unprecedented and profoundly…

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