
South America

Blessing or problem? How the non-relevance of Latin America has two sides

Federico Rojas de Galarreta is a 39-year-old Political Sciences teacher in Institute of International Affairs in the University of Chile speaks about social inequalities within Latin America and how the difficulty of speaking of the whole continent as one. What…

The triumph of the indignados: The multiple factors behind the defeat of Apruebo in Chile

As Napoleon Bonaparte said in 1807 in the framework of the Peace of Tilsit “Victory has 100 fathers and defeat is an orphan”, so the post-election reaction after the crushing victory of the Rejectionist option needs to be removed from…

Argentina: Humanists reaffirm the need for a strong commitment to Nonviolence

In a communiqué entitled “Nonviolence, an urgent commitment”, the Humanist Movement of Cordoba welcomed the initiative of the League of Governors to “make visible the need to install Peace and Nonviolence as guiding principles of life in common in Argentinean…

Public invitation to assassinate

The context of misunderstandings in Argentinian society makes it necessary to pay close attention to hate speech in general, and particularly those that were directed specifically against the vice-president of the nation, Cristina Fernández. Many people in politics and journalism…

Chronicles: My eyes still search for you in the twilight II

Ruth Sosa at the sustainable farms workshop of the Asociación Madres de la Candelaria In the second installment of this series of four chronicles, Ruth de las Misericordias will return 22 years later to tell the story of her son…

Kiss the Amazon Goodbye?

The ecosystems of the world that support life, like Brazil’s Amazon rainforest, have an incompatible relationship with far-right governments, like the United States under Trump, who took a baseball bat to the EPA.  According to Christine Todd Whitman, who headed…

Colombia: A swinging country

6 September 2022, El Espectador A month ago, Colombia lived through the most symbolic presidential inauguration in its history. In 30 days, fundamental changes have been proposed that had not been outlined in 30 or even 300 years; but we…

Redistributing 11 billion dollars: Colombia’s left-wing president wants to fight poverty with a wealth tax

Colombia’s President Gustavo Petro wants to tax oil exports and the rich. This could raise 11.5 billion dollars a year for the country. Petro wants to use this money to fight poverty among the population and invest in universities and…

Failure as a path

The day before yesterday Chile lived through what some are calling the biggest triumph of the right wing in its electoral history. Almost 62% of its population rejected the constitutional change project, which only two years ago was demanded by…

Catastrophes will give rise to a new world

This is the thesis of the short story “Auroville, 2046, after the end of a world”, written by the Brazilian author Débora Nunes and already published in eight languages. The book will be launched by the Multiconvergencia de Redes Globales,…

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