
South America

For the right to public education: care, transformation and social justice

At the 12th Regional Assembly of CLADE, the theme that concerns the network was discussed: the human right to education from the perspectives of the subjects of rights and actors who fight for the possibility of fully exercising this right…

Chile on Halloween, the living, the dying, the dead and the resurrected

The “living” are appropriating pension funds While we listened to President Boric speaking to us from La Moneda about his bill to eliminate the disastrous AFP, and we were beginning to rejoice, he then insulted us by maintaining the language…

Latin America, the US’s new plastic dumping ground.

Every year the US sends thousands of tons of plastic waste to Latin America. Mexico, El Salvador and Ecuador are the main recipients of waste that is largely unsuitable for recycling. Loopholes in international regulations also lead to the shipment…

Petro and Maduro: Historic meeting in Caracas

The Miraflores Palace, the seat of government in Caracas, was the scene of a long-awaited meeting between Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and Colombian President Gustavo Petro. By Marcos Salgado In a two-hour private meeting, the presidents even agreed to re-establish…

Health in the hands of the communities and away from the pharmaceutical companies

The Laicrimpo National Movement is a space for meeting and exchange of knowledge that works on community health and not on illness. In dialogue between doctors, peasants, indigenous people and residents of working-class neighbourhoods, they recover the benefits of plants…

Boric announces mixed pension system: “The AFPs, in this reform, are finished”.

On national television, the President of the Republic, Gabriel Boric, announced the pension reform to be introduced by his government, detailing that the project includes a mixed system, individual accounts and the end of the PFAs. The president began by…

Gloria Mujica, our own history

There are those in life who walk at our same pace, who are in the places we pass through, who chant with us the same slogans, who raise similar flags for the same decades and change them for other roles…

Lula elected in Brazil: a victory with many challenges

With Lula’s victory, many challenges lie ahead that we will have to observe and seriously reflect upon, the first of which is the transition of government that should only have to take place on 1 January 2023. The page of…

Bolivia. Against the sedition of Camacho and Calvo, people and government deploy their forces

Under undemocratic and seditious extortion, and after the Government of the Plurinational State has offered all instances of dialogue to deal in a participatory manner with the issues involved in the Population and Housing Census, the representatives of the extreme…

A letter, a story

Epistolary communication is a memory of the past, an obsolete practice. In an effort to escape from a present full of uncertainty and contradictions, I prefer to look back to past centuries to rescue from the mists of memory one…

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