
South America

In the face of so much concentration of wealth, violation of rights and citizen insecurity …….. Who will be able to defend us?

Globalisation and the destruction of the state. The last quarter of this century saw the beginning of the global installation of the political and economic theory that has been transforming the world, known as neoliberalism. This is a new way…

Factocrats and neoliberals against foreign policy

It is commendable that Chile is opening (with the side letters to the TPP11) a new dimension in foreign trade policy, which will allow it to advance in regulatory actions with respect to international capital and protect itself in case…

Chile: Constitution with calculator in hand

To Eila Belila All kinds of reactions have arisen after the triumph of the rejection of the proposed Magna Carta emanating from the Constituent Convention. Those most resistant to change think that this popular verdict simply means that the country…

Tegucigalpa Declaration

The XII Regional Assembly of the Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education (CLADE), began in October, with the realization of four virtual events and culminated with the presential meeting in Tegucigalpa, on November 7 to 11, 2022, hosted…

Latin American-Caribbean unity: When, if not now?

There are occasions in history that must be seized. They are windows of opportunity that indicate that the time to move forward decisively has come. Indecision in such circumstances is inadvisable and even reprehensible. Such is the current case with…

Hebe Bonafini, an emblem of the struggle of the Patria Grande (the Great Homeland)

Who is Hebe Bonafini? First and foremost a housewife who gave birth to herself, after the disappearance of her children during the dictatorship of 1976. She was not a leader, nor a civil servant, nor did she have postgraduate degrees…

Hebe de Bonafini: Infinite beacon

There are people who are models all their lives. Hebe de Bonafini is one of those who will continue to be a model for the rest of her life. Few people symbolise in such a concrete way the unwavering and…

The maddening compass of Chilean politics

The current confusion of political directions became evident with the breakdown of the DC-PC agreement for the Presidency of the Chamber of Deputies. The lurking crisis of distrust had been showing signs since the failed presidential candidacies of 2017, fermented…

Digitalisation is a priority for the transformation of the Latin American and Caribbean development model

The Eighth Ministerial Conference on the Information Society in Latin America and the Caribbean opened today in Montevideo. The importance of digitization in designing and implementing people-centred public policies and as a path to sustainable development in Latin America and…

When the absence of ties and the use of bicycles are not enough to change living conditions in Chile

The cry of a woman citizen The merciless struggle between armed groups, to take control of the population sectors, ended this week with the death of three people and several wounded in the populous commune of La Florida, in the…

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