
South America

The ” Black Carnation”, a hero who saved thousands of lives during the Dictatorship

In times of the Chilean dictatorship, as in Nazi Germany, there were murders, tortures, betrayals, cowardice and all the evil one can imagine. But there was also solidarity, fraternity and extreme heroism. Perhaps it is always in times of catastrophe…

Argentina: “They want the Mapuche to be submissive and impoverished, they can’t accept that we have an autonomous path”.

On January 4, it has been three months since federal forces broke into the territory of the Lof Lafken Winkul Mapu in Villa Mascardi (Bariloche) and took Mapuche women and children into custody. Four of them are still under house…

Organised local power needs to rescue municipalities from corrupt clutches in Chile

Part of the dynamic of Chilean municipal politics is that every time a councillor loses his or her subsequent re-election, we learn of pronounced deficits in the municipal coffers. Thus, we have emblematic cases of Virginia Reginato in Viña del…

I worked at Centro Arte Alameda during the Chilean social upheaval

For more than 70 days, every time I was about to leave my house on my way to work, my stomach started to hurt, and I felt a strong pressure in my chest that didn’t let me breathe. I was…

Protests In Peru Persist

People are protesting Rightist government moves ousting President Pedro Castillo. By Countercurrents Collective Tweeting from jail on Tuesday, Castillo said history will remember Peruvians “murdered for defending the country from the coup dictatorship,” and that “terror is the last bullet of…

Former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s Orlando Vacation – Comparing the January Riots in the Brazilian and US Capitols

Outgoing Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro fled the county just before his term of office ended on January 1, apparently fearing legal prosecution for multiple wrong-doings once he lost presidential immunity. By Roger D. Harris Bolsonaro had long predicted that if…

A dose of magical realism

Anchored in the face of uncertainty, doubts and scepticism, I search for fantasy. Immersed in a hustle and bustle from which we cannot escape and of which we are, in a way, voluntary hostages, we live under a succession of…

Brazilian civilization against Bolsonaro

By Urariano Mota * I retrieve the post-scripted chapter that I published in the American edition of the novel “Never-Ending Youth”, in the last pages of Peter Lownds” translation, “Never-Ending Youth”, I added these lines: Posters have taken over the…

Citizen criticism of processes: school and university admissions 2023 in Chile

With regard to the results of the PAES (university admission) and the chaotic admission process for the different establishments throughout the country, we must focus on this reality from the perspective of the right to education, foreseeing a chronic neglect…

Washington’s “Democracy Promotion” Spectacularly Fails in Venezuela

The Los Angeles Times reports that “the audacious gamble by the U.S. government to…restore democracy” suffered a “spectacular failure” in Venezuela. What this State Department stenographer masquerading as a newspaper considers a “democratic” setback consisted of failing to impose unknown…

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