
South America

Hands joined for peace and nonviolence

The Kreativitas School is a beacon of hope and empowerment led by its founders, Ana María Cárdenas Olivares and Lorena Astorga Alvarado. It has teachers of special education, basic education, nursery education, psychologists, speech therapists, and LSCH (Chilean Sign Language)…

Global People’s Health Movement Calls for a New International Economic, Political, and Social Order

At a recent global gathering, hundreds of health activists committed to uniting the health movement with other progressive social movements. Their aim is to form a broad coalition for radical change to counter the crises of capitalism and imperialism. By…

Women and Indigenous Peoples in Bolivia resist dispossession of resource-rich lands

Women and Indigenous peoples in several regions of Bolivia are resisting land seizures, deforestation, and the extraction of natural resources that affect their livelihoods, while the authorities are conspicuous by their absence to support the defense of their rights. By…

The reason for the existence

Since the dawn of reason and the awareness of being, man has looked up at the starry sky, searching for answers to his place in the universe and the meaning of his existence. Astronomy has revealed the vastness of the…

Colombia: New round of talks between government and National Liberation Army (ELN), in Caracas

The two sides have begun a new round of talks in Caracas on 20 May 2024, with the commitment to sign an agreement amid the recent tensions, after the subversive group announced that it had ended its suspension of economic…

Milei and Telesur: media censorship moves forward

This is neither a coincidence nor a surprise. For almost two decades they have been trying to silence Telesur, and from the moment we announced our intention to give the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean their voice, to…

Andrés Carrasco, the scientist who decided to walk with the people

He confronted agribusiness companies, governments, and extractive scientists. It marked a before and after in the debate on the GM model, confirming that glyphosate is lethal to embryos. It was taken up by socio-environmental assemblies, peasant movements, and indigenous peoples.…

Félix Díaz, a leader in the defense of indigenous peoples

Fighter for peace, defender of indigenous peoples, President of the Participatory Indigenous Consultative Council of the Republic of Argentina, lover of dialogue, declared apolitical, co-author with Araceli Maldonado of his biography “Qarashe. A fighter for his people and for the…

Environmental journalism saves lives

Journalists are challenged to provide relevant information for necessary social change. Environmental reporting is essential. By María García de la Fuente* Renewable Energies, 4 May 2024 – We are living through a triple planetary crisis: the climate crisis, the loss…

Chile is a polarized state that tries to discipline the population by force.

Carabineros assassinated. In the early hours of the 97th anniversary of the founding of the Carabineros, three non-commissioned officers were murdered on the road between Cañete and Tirúa, in the province of Arauco, Biobío region; an event considered to be…

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