
South America

Irina Karamanos: the institutional unanchoring of the role of First Lady has to do with democratic values (Part 1)

We talked to Irina Karamanos about the purpose that led her to deconstruct the institutional anchoring of the role of First Lady. We also anticipate the reflections that will take place at the International Feminist Meeting, to be held in…

Peru – No way out of the crisis

On Saturday, February 4, thousands of demonstrators gathered in the centre of Lima for the so-called March of the Cones, which brought together demonstrators from the south of the country and demonstrators from the suburbs of the city of Lima.…

Democracy held hostage

It should come as no surprise that several world gauges of public opinion agree that millions of citizens are disappointed with democracy and its ability to truly serve the interests of their nations. Politicians and parties called upon to run…

Brazil: Joenia Wapichana, first indigenous woman to chair Funai, takes office on Friday (3)

Joênia was the first indigenous woman in Brazil to practice law, and also the country’s first indigenous federal deputy. (Image by Agência Brasil) The National Foundation of Indigenous Peoples (FUNAI) will be chaired by an indigenous person for the first…

Mónica Valente, secretaria ejecutiva Foro de Sao Paulo: “La integración sólo ocurrirá si los pueblos son los protagonistas”

Paralelamente a la VII Cumbre de la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños se formalizó la creación de la Celac Social, un espacio integrado por más de 300 organizaciones políticas, sociales y sindicales de América Latina y el Caribe, del…

Chile: Feminist organisations express mistrust and vigilance towards the new constituent process: They consider its design to be anti-democratic and exclusionary

From the Coordinadora Feminista Punta Arenas, Elisa Giustinianovich, stated that there is a broad majority that has expressed its opposition to the so-called Agreement for Chile agreed by the traditional parties represented in Congress, which has led to a position…

Towards the definitive emancipation: The Caribbean peoples and CELAC

At the recent VII Summit of Heads of State of CELAC held in Buenos Aires, Ralph Gonsalves, Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, was elected to lead the Pro Tempore Presidency during 2023. This is the first time…

Will Pope Francis’ Journey to Dr Congo Help Bring Peace?

The forthcoming Pope Francis’ trip to DR Congo will be an opportunity to talk about the tragic war that has been devastating the country for 30 years. By Cecilia Capanna On January 31, Pope Francis will travel to the Democratic…

History to reflect on and not to memorise

The history classes of my school days bring back both good and bad memories. It clearly depended on who was responsible for teaching it in the classroom and how they did it. Looking back, I understood that the study of…

Chilean legislators protect multinationals and criminalise the needs of poor people

The imbalance in the balance of the law. These days we are observing the consequences of the actions of our legislators. Their total disconnection and disaffection with the situation that the poor people of the country live, prevents them from…

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