
South America

Argentina – Memory, coups… and intellectuals

It was 47 years since the bloodthirsty coup d’état in Argentina, which left more than 30,000 people missing and which few intellectuals confronted. Let’s make things clear, said Osvaldo Bayer: Neither Hitler was an occupational accident, nor the dictatorships of…

Owners of the Argentine dictatorship, owners of the country

Walking through the little streets of Buenos Aires “that have that I don’t know why” is beautiful. Even after the neoliberal gale and the pandemic, which took away businesses and factories and families… Buenos Aires is attractive and captivating and,…

The dream of a happy school

The International Day of Happiness was celebrated on 20 March. It was established by the UN (United Nations) following a proposal by the Kingdom of Bhutan, which has made the happiness of its population one of its political objectives. The…

The look of an autistic person

Testimony (adult male with an ASD diagnosis): “The life of an autistic person has many nuances. From the moment we are born we already have a problem with this real world (real, cruel and inhuman); first of all, we don’t…

Meeting of Runasur at the III World Forum on Human Rights 2023

Under the slogan “Uniting peoples towards a Plurinational America”, a new RUNASUR Meeting was held at the Casa Nuestros Hijos, la Vida y la Esperanza de Madres de Plaza de Mayo – Línea Fundadora (ex-ESMA). The activity began with a…

Women in peacebuilding

Throughout history, our voices as women have been silenced on thousands of occasions. We were forced to hide our identities so that what we created would not come to light. Our ideas were shamelessly stolen from us, under the argument…

The colours are in you – International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

“No country can claim to be free of racism. It is a worldwide preoccupation and the fight to end racism requires a universal effort”. The Durban Declaration and Programme of Action From Convergence of Cultures-Chile, which is a universalist humanist…

Bolivia: Crisis in the MAS: Schism or Reinstatement?

By Rafael Bautista S1. Beyond the superficial opinions and the mixture of accusations, the MAS crisis (which marks its own birth to political life) manifests something that escapes the whole range of media analysis; because that something is already naturalized…

New ways of doing politics: Overcoming wars starting with people

The event “Russia and Ukraine: Compassion and Healing”, held on March 4, 2023 by the Multiconvergence of Global Networks deeply mobilized the people present. This was MRG’s 15th event. Besides addressing an issue of great urgency for the world, it…

The Centre for Humanist Studies of Buenos Aires celebrates its 20th anniversary

The Centre for Humanist Studies of Buenos Aires will celebrate its first 20 years of existence on Saturday 25th March in the Park of Studies and Reflection La Reja (Alfonsina Storni 1568, La Reja, Buenos Aires), starting at noon. When…

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