
South America

Argentina: Reflections after the Saladillo femicide prosecutor’s remarks

Patricia Hortel, the prosecutor who is working on the prosecution for the murder of Rocío González in the town of Saladillo, Buenos Aires, gave an interview after the arrest of the alleged murderer, in which she focused on the victim.…

UN chief hails ceasefire agreement between Colombian government and ELN guerrillas

UN Secretary-General António Guterres congratulated the Colombian government and the guerrillas of the National Liberation Army (ELN) for the agreement reached on Friday in Cuba on a six-month bilateral ceasefire, said Stéphane Dujarric, Guterres’ spokesman. The UN chief also praised…

Pepe Mujica: “If the left is not capable of building unity, it will not be able to defend the interests of the neglected”.

José Mujica receives CTXT at his farm in the Cerro neighbourhood of Montevideo. Cordial and attentive, he talks for 50 minutes about politics with his usual lucidity. He admits that he may be wrong when he says that Europe has…

Storytelling or public accountability?

In his first public statement of 2022, Boric said: “I want to be emphatic in this, we must take responsibility for addressing the inequalities that citizens live and that are expressed in multiple dimensions. I want us to build a…

Chile: My life has been beautiful…

I was born in a Diaguita territory, in the inlet of Tequirque on the hill of Kokimpu in 1964, I have lived in Coquimbo all my life and I am the creator of some musical instruments with South-Andean influences in…

Organisations demonstrate children’s rights in the constitution.

Movimiento Movilizándonos mobilised in favour of the rights of children and adolescents in the Magna Carta. While in the former National Congress, the Commission of Experts presented the preliminary draft and took over the Constitutional Council to develop the new…

Lula explains the plan to end deforestation in Amazon by 2030

Brazilian President Lula da Silva presented his plan to end deforestation in the Amazon by 2030. Together with Environment Minister Marina Silva, he made the announcement as part of the initiatives taken by the government to combat climate change. “Due…

Brazil, Lula: “We will eliminate deforestation in the Amazon by 2030”

Brazil’s president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, has promised that the deforestation process suffered by the Brazilian Amazon will end by 2030, after making combatting indiscriminate logging and forest removal the centerpiece of his environmental policy. Lula’s Brazilian socialist government…

“Put Yourselves in My Place”: Migrants and their Defenders in Chile Call for a Policy Shift

By Maxine Lowy In a house of a verdant upscale neighborhood of Santiago, Chile, Nancy accompanies a retiree. In Venezuela she was a nurse, until basic materials- alcohol, cotton, syringes, and food to prepare healthy meals for patients- became scarce,…

The threat of para-state power called international banking

From the spheres of the Chilean political elite, signals are being raised announcing a world financial crisis, which will deal a hard blow to the domestic economy, which is already in the midst of a period of unstoppable rises and…

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