
South America

Speech by the humanist Deputy Tomás Hirsch at the inauguration of the Laura Rodríguez room in the Chilean Congress

We publish here the words pronounced by the humanist Deputy Tomás Hirsch on the occasion of the inauguration of the room in the National Congress that bears the name of Laura Rodríguez Riccomini: “Dear friends. Thank you for being here…

Gerardo Morales against the native peoples

June 21st, INTI RAYMI, or the festival of the sun, is celebrated in the Quebrada and Puna regions of Jujuy. It is an ancient, religious, Andean festival, in honour of INTI “the father sun”, in which during that night offerings…

“The problem of sexual assault is a political matter”: Helmut Kramer talks about the importance of fighting for children’s rights

In an exclusive interview with Helmut Kramer, founder of the support organisation for victims of sexual assault by religious members, La Red de Sobrevivientes, talks about the importance of understanding and fighting for the human rights of children. How did…

What health model should we evolve towards in Chile?

Experts from the faculties of Medicine, Law and Economics at the University of Chile agree that the country should move towards a different health care system, with a single insurer at the centre, a large Fonasa (National Health Fund). The…

The crime of fighting for decent housing in Chile

Faced with the existing human housing crisis in the country, which causes a level of indignity and daily pain in millions of people, the failed state, in the hands of the political elite, takes a line that coincides with its…

EU-Mercosur agreement still at a standstill, but can still be concluded by 2023

The agreement signed in 2019 must be ratified by all countries involved. Negotiations have been dragging on since 1992. The meeting between Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on 12 June…

Statement of the CPM against the criminalisation of the protest

Forty years after the end of the last civil-military dictatorship, and in the context of the reflections that we as Argentine society must make around this anniversary, we would like to point out our preoccupation and rejection of various initiatives…

Valuing diversity or taking refuge in prejudices

Article 1 of the Constitution states that “people are born free and equal in dignity and rights”. Article 4 of the 2022 constitutional proposal stated that “People are born and remain free, interdependent and equal in dignity and rights”. Today,…

“It will be very difficult to advance structural changes without the support of the masses”. Collaborative interview with João Pedro Stédile (MST)

João Pedro Stédile, leader of the Landless Rural Workers Movement of Brazil (MST), gave an extensive collaborative interview with the Forum of Communication for the Integration of Our America (FCINA) on Wednesday, in which he addressed the situation of popular…

Killing of social leaders continues to plague Colombia, despite “total peace” efforts.

Recently, Petro’s government and the National Liberation Army – ELN agreed to a six-months ceasefire.  What seems to be a striking step in negotiations between Colombia’s insurgent group and Petro’s government is becoming a shadow of a profound issue that…

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