
South America

Our four children

11 July 2023, El Espectador A few weeks ago, when the joint work of indigenous people and the army succeeded in finding the four children lost in the jungle alive, Mauricio Rodríguez – a peace and leadership builder – wrote:…

Milagro Sala, a tribute to the colours of her homeland demanding her freedom

The most beautiful mountains I have seen in Latin America are those of north-western Argentina. It is a landscape tinged with the voices of Atahualpa Yupanqui and Mercedes Sosa, with its rugged and monumental geography of the lyrics of their…

Amazon Deforestation Drops 33% in Lula’s First Six Months

From January to June of this year — the first six months of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s presidential term — deforestation in Brazil’s Amazon has fallen 33.6 percent, new government satellite data shows, as The Associated Press reported. By Cristen Hemingway Jaynes Lula’s stricter…

Happy In(ter)dependence Day!

What do Argentina and South Sudan have in common? At first glance, nothing. While one has a vast territory – it is the largest Spanish-speaking country in the world – the African nation could fit in the territory of two…

In Chile the elite only pay fines for abuse and crime

The governing alliance in Chile today is dealing with “damage control”, after it was revealed in the press that influence peddling was used to financially feed, with direct and millionaire flows, NGOs administered by cadres of Giorgio Jackson’s party, “Revolución…

Huenchumilla presents project for indigenous peoples to participate in lithium exploitation

“The idea is that these same groups, who have been isolated from this development strategy and have even been affected by the extractive processes, go from being marginalised to being protagonists,” said the DC senator. By Carolina Ceballos Francisco Huenchumilla,…

Cultural and national identity; who we are, where we come from and where we are going; we are an awakening nation

The Peruvian nation is a historical process prior to the Peruvian state. It is an unfinished cultural historical synthesis, dislocated from a state that neither articulates nor benefits national development. The winds of a coming national and cultural awakening are…

“Mega-mining has proven to be a failure throughout Argentina”.

The multinational Pan American Silver, which has accumulated complaints in four Latin American countries, acquired the MARA mining project in Catamarca. Broad rejection by the residents of Andalgalá, a town that has known the impacts of mega-mining since the 1990s,…

I am a blind person who feels a lot of love and force: a testimony of life

“Your perception of the world is a reflection of your state of consciousness.” My name is Antonia. I was 26 years old, I was reading at the time when I rubbed my eye and I resumed reading and suddenly I…

The Not-So-Discreet U.S. Campaign to Pressure Brazil’s Foreign Policy

The respected London newspaper Financial Times ran with the following headline last week: “The discreet U.S. campaign to defend Brazil’s election.” The report, written by Michael Stott, Michael Pooler and Bryan Harris, deals with a “pressure campaign” carried out by…

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