
South America

Argentina: In Jujuy, indigenous rights are not respected

August is the month of the Pachamama, a celebration that forces us to reflect on the demands of the indigenous peoples of Jujuy and their valuable Third Malón for Peace, which – passing through various parts of the country to…

Letters from Christ to Christ

It is catharsis and art to paint forgiveness, to carve it in stone or cast it in metal; but more difficult than sculpting marble is to carve the spirit and, after a tragedy, to dedicate oneself to work for the…

Sandy Joseph: “When black women, regardless of nationality, are united, we achieve great things”.

Sandy was 15 years old when she arrived in Chile in January 2017. The reason was to be reunited with her mother, who was working in the country, and also to finish her final year of school to facilitate her…

Democracy, the one that doesn’t run flies in Chile upside down, 50 years of bad practices.

We are in times of recounting our history, five decades in which the call to the viveza chilensis has been manifesting itself in the ambit of power, unleashing that characteristic that homogenises the Chilean political elite and makes them sing…

Latin America and the future of memory

Under the slogan “40 years of Democracy. 40 years of Participation”, humanist activists celebrated four decades of unwavering commitment to humanization in Santa Rosa, the capital of the Argentinean province of La Pampa. After an introductory speech by Humanist Party…

Elizabeth Subercaseaux’s Reflection on the 1973 Coup d’état

In order to minimise their own responsibility for the 1973 coup d’état, the right wing says (in the words of Marcela Cubillos) “as long as the left does not admit its responsibility for the collapse of democracy that preceded the…

50 organisations from Latin America and the Caribbean urge authorities for a new Fiscal Pact to guarantee human rights in the region

During the summit of finance and treasury ministers from countries in the region, more than 50 organisations – among them the Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education (CLADE) – presented today (27th) a letter with ten recommendations to…

Climate racism, a reality in unequal societies

“Who have the direct impacts of extractivism and what are the consequences for their lives? Peasant communities, indigenous peoples and Afro-descendants – whose family groups include children, women and the elderly – bear an important part of these impacts…”. By…

Massive teachers’ march across Chile

At 7 a.m. this morning, the Teachers’ Association began a 24-hour national strike for education. Carlos Díaz, president of the teachers’ union, said at the time that they are demonstrating “for concrete responses to the teachers’ petition” and are demanding…

Conservative forces on the rise in Latin America: Between the “anarcho-capitalist” far-right and Cacareco

The triumph of the far-right José Antonio Kast in the Chilean constituent elections is a symptom of the reconfiguration of the opposition to progressive governments that began in Brazil and extends to countries such as Colombia and Argentina with the…

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