
South America

Third Malón of La Paz and the political power of women in Abya Yala

September 5th is International Indigenous Women’s Day, established in 1983, during the II Meeting of Organisations and Movements of America in Tiahuanacu, vindicating in the figure of Bartolina Sisa the struggle of indigenous women against all types of oppression. Bartolina…

Chile: 50 years of neoliberalism (III)

In turn, the prominent intellectual of the “socialist renovation”, Eugenio Tironi, has argued (as a virtual epigone of Adam Smith!) that “the society of individuals, where people understand that the collective interest is nothing more than the result of the…

[Peru] Daniela Traverso: “Illari is a link to the Inca culture and their worship of the sun”.

Meet Daniela Traverso, the young Peruvian actress living and working in France, as you delve into the fascinating story behind Illari, the powerful new voice of Overwatch 2. By Sol Pozzi-Escot Who is Illari and how did you come to…

[Peru] Aldo A. Lorenzzi Bolaños: “Political parties in Ibero-America lack a solid ideological basis”.

Find out in this interview with Aldo A. Lorenzzi Bolaños, compiler of the compendium ‘Political parties: current radiography of their role in democracy in the countries of Ibero-America’, the keys to understanding the complex dynamics of political parties in the…

Teachers’ strike is over, lasted one day

“Mr. Minister, read the vote well, the vast majority of teachers rejected your proposal”. The President of the Metropolitan Teachers’ Association, Mario Aguilar, in view of the results of the National Teachers’ Consultation, warned the Minister of Education, Nicolás Cataldo,…

On Day of the Disappeared Detainees, 50 years after the coup, Boric directs National Search Plan for victims of enforced disappearances

The aim is to trace the route of the disappearance of the victims, collaborate with judicial investigations and help to shape memory and guarantee non-repetition, without prejudice to the establishment of criminal responsibilities. President Boric signed the decree making the…

Chile 50 Years On: Memory, Justice and Human Rights for Reconciliation

Silencing, denying and distorting events, a practice of great disloyalty. Fake news, what we know today as Fake News, has played its part, in the 1970s and later, in a constant attempt to falsify history and memory. In certain newspapers…

New march against trigger-happy behaviour

Document of the 8th National March against Gatillo Fácil Once again, we take to the streets to carry out this, National Day of Struggle, that makes visible and repudiates the repression that the State has historically exercised against our sons,…

Chile: 50 years of neoliberalism (II)

From the political point of view, as early as August 1991, President Aylwin himself “notified” the country that “the transition has been made” and that “in Chile we live in democracy” (El Mercurio; 8-8-1991), given that by that date none…

Argentina’s entry into the BRICS, in search of genuine multilateralism

Finally, after more than 10 years since its last incorporation (South Africa), the BRICS group has agreed on the entry of six new members as of 1 January 2024: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia, Iran and Argentina. In…

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