South America
The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
Violence against women is perhaps the most shameful human rights violation, and it is perhaps the most pervasive. It knows no boundaries of geography, culture or wealth. As long as it continues, we cannot claim to be making real progress towards equality, development and peace. *Former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan*
León Gieco promotes a worldwide initiative for peace before a hundred thousand people
The popular singer-songwriter, León Gieco, at the Festival for the 127th anniversary of the city of La Plata (capital of the province of Buenos Aires) wore the sweatshirt of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence. At the “birthday” concert, held in Plaza Moreno, 10 other groups put on a show for an audience of a hundred thousand people.
Young Offenders paint Mural for World March
In Calera de Tango, on 13 & 14 November, the contemporary art group GAC Grupo de Arte Contemporáneo, made up of youths from the young offenders detention centre Centro Semi Cerrado de Calera de Tango, members of the National Service for Minors, painted a mural alluding to the World March for Peace, under the supervision of their monitors; Patricio Celis and Gabriel González.
The Longest “Wall for Peace” in the World
Under a burning sun, 700 young graffiti artists and muralists devoted themselves to the visual representation of their ideas on peace, nuclear disarmament, and the rejection of violence. The activity, promoted by World Without Wars, took place over a period of three days, until all 1,800 meters of the wall, located in a town in the foothills of Santiago de Chile, were covered.
The Municipal Council of Moreno gives Silo the title of ‘Guest of Honor’
Representatives of the honourable municipal council of Moreno, in the province of Buenos Aires, gave Silo the title of ‘Guest of Honour’ of the municipality. The authorities also invited the founder of Universalist Humanism to participate in a caravan for non-violence that will take place on December 27th and will pass through various spots in Moreno.
Pressenza International Completes its First Year
Exactly one year ago, Pressenza was relaunched as an international press agency exclusively dedicated to peace and non-violence. The place and the occasion could not have been more inspirational. We were in the Park for Study and Reflection in Punta de Vacas, on the mountain frontier between Argentina and Chile for the symposium “Ethics in Knowledge”.
Climate Action Day: World Political Action Campaigns in 180 Countries
Activists from all over the world participated in Climate Action Day events that ranged from a human sun symbol to a show of flags from mountaintops. They called for an exigent, fair, and binding agreement based on the most recent scientific data that would be enforced rigorously enough to meet the target of an atmospheric CO2 level of 350 ppm.
Youth Resistance to Obligatory Military Service in Colombia: One Way to Contribute to Peace
Human rights and youth organizations, among them the Youth Network of Medellín (RJ) and the Foundation for Journalists for Peace (FUPERPAZ), are taking actions to highlight the role played by all of the conscientious objectors to the obligatory military service in Colombia. As such, they are trying to confront the militarization and violence that youth suffer in that country.
Officials in Brazil Sanction Nutrition a Constitutional Human Right
The proposal to include nutrition as a human right in the Federal Constitution of Brazil was passed in the first round by the House of Representatives with an overwhelming majority. This ammendment will be included among social rights already established in the Constitution: health, education, employment, and housing.
Palacio de la Moneda exhibits Charter for a World without Violence
After Silo and the participants in the World March for Peace and Nonviolence received from the Nobel Prize winners, in the Berlin Summit, the mission of making widely known the ‘Charter for a World without Violence’, the Chilean organisers of this initiative were received at La Moneda to put up the text in the Patio de los Naranjos.