South America
The march for a world without wars has recently begun
Two days after some 15,000 people from around the world celebrated the conclusion of the first World March for Peace and Non Violence in the heart of the Andean mountain range, many of its organisers and participants came together to shape the future of the humanist organisation ‘World without War and without Violence.’
Tomás Hirsch: “Peace and Nonviolence has always been our central concern”
Chilean Tomas Hirsch, reference for new humanism in Latin America, spoke in the closing event of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence celebrated on January 2, 2010. Hirsch took the opportunity giving testimony of his experience marching in Latin America and spoke about the growing consciousness there with inspiring images of the future activities of the Humanist Movement.
International Humanist Party relaunched in the Andes Mountains
Almost 26 years after its founding, the International Humanist Party, which proclaims “active nonviolence” as its method of action, began a new phase with a global meeting. At the Park of Study and Reflection at Punta de Vacas members of Humanist Parties from all over the world converged. Exchanges were conducted and a short term plan was defined.
Convergence of Cultures is Presented as a World Federation
Taking place in Punta de Vacas Park of Study and Reflection (Argentina), in the context of restructuring of the Humanist Movement, the organization Convergence of Cultures held a meeting setting the new stage of the organization based on establishing dialogue among cultures and denouncing discrimination. An international forum in Istanbul was announced for December.
Community for Human Development launches ‘10,000 volunteers for active non-violence’ campaign
Today, a meeting was held by the Community for Human Development, an international humanist association that undertakes sociocultural activities, which through the new worldwide campaign ‘10,000 volunteers for active nonviolence’, intends to continue the activities initiated during the World March for Peace and Nonviolence.
With high expectations, thousands of people are waiting for the closing ceremony of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence
In a few hours the international team of the World March will finalize their journey, which started in New Zealand on October 2nd, and went all over the world asking for nuclear disarmement. Thousands of people, coming from the five continents are coming to the Park of Study and Reflection “Punta de Vacas”, located in the Andes, at the foot of Aconcagua.
Massive Final Act of the World March for Peace and Nonviolence
After traveling 200 thousand kilometers, the international team of the World March arrived today, January 2, at the Park of Study and Reflection Punta de Vacas in Argentina. Close to 20,000 people heard the representatives of the World March from Chile, Argentina, India, Italy, the Philippines, Spain and England that circled the globe calling for nuclear disarmament.
Multicultural celebration for the new year at Punta de Vacas
At the foot of Mount Aconcagua on the border between Argentina and Chile, there was a diverse and multicultural New Year celebration. A greeting in 18 languages was led by Silo: “For us and for all human beings, let us anticipate the embrace of Peace, Force and Joy,” read the final sentence of the message. Attending the event were about 1500 people.
Direct Transmission of the Grand Finale of the World March for Peace and Non-Violence
On Saturday, January 2nd a grand finale of the World March for Peace will take place. It will begin at 18 hours (Argentine time), with the testimonies from the international team that did the planetary march. There will be a direct transmission through the internet. The international media that can not be present at the Park will also be able to do internet interviews.
Michelle Bachelet waves from the balcony
From the balcony, which historically presidents of Chile go out onto to greet the crowds that for one reason or another fill the Plaza de la Constitución to greet their president, President Michelle Bachelet, along with Rafael de la Rubia, international coordinator of the World March, Tomás Hirsch and Gloria Morrison, appeared with gestures of joy and affection.