
South America

Chilean Students on Hunger Strike

When Mahatma Gandhi resorted to the use of hunger strikes as a tool of non-violent struggle, denying himself any form of food in order to demand freedom for his people in front of the British Empire which was colonising India, he was massively supported by the clamour of his people who knew – in the India of that day – what it was to suffer hunger.

Chilean Students Refuse Talks with Congress

Since May protests have been ongoing in Chile against the profit-making Education system. Chilean students mobilized to demand a profound reform in education, rejected on Sunday the possibility of negotiating with Congress and reaffirmed they would hold further marches throughout August.

Protest for Human Rights in Syria

Here we publish in full the open letter by the Chilean Community in Support of the Humanitarian Crisis taking place in Syria and which gave rise to a public demonstration at the Sirian embassy in Santiago, denouncing the extreme violation of human rights that this government has been carrying out for months.

China Alone Abides by Commitments to World’s Poorest

The World Trade Organization member countries are moving towards the Eighth Ministerial Conference in Doha next December, again with no concrete results, even on issues relating to least-developed Countries (LDCs), recognized by the member countries’ ambassadors in the informal meeting of last July 26.

Chilean Students Confirm New Protests

The Students Federation of Chile, the School of Professors and the Assembly of Secondary School Students confirmed on Wednesday that they will stage a march and a national strike to demand quality public education. The students will continue their mobilization and discuss in meetings countrywide the stand to be adopted against the government proposals.

Mario Aguilar, leader of the national Teachers’ Union, followed by police in the purest style of the Dictatorship years.

At around 8pm today Police officers followed the vehicle of Mario Aguilar, the leader of the national Teachers’ Union, who was just coming out of the head office of the Union after sheltering there, completely soaked due to the police repression that demonstrators for a non-profit, quality education suffered today.

A new Regional Financial Architecture for Latin America

It is necessary to reflect on the possible ways out of the entire crisis in which our society is submerging. The excessive power of financial capital, the widespread debt and enormous concentration of wealth is something which the nation state, captured and blackmailed by that power, is unable to confront.

Open letter urges incoming president to ensure that journalists no longer fear imprisonment

Mr. Ollanta Humala

President of the Republic

Government Palace,

Lima, Peru

Dear President Humala,

Today you assume the office that the citizens of Peru conferred on you in an election on 5 June.

Venezuela President Chávez Launches Re-election Bid

“I have medical, scientific, humanitarian, loving, and political reasons for staying on as leader of the government and as leader of an even stronger campaign than before” said Chávez. In an interview with the Correo del Orinoco newspaper, Chávez confirmed that he would be the first to put themselves forward in a bid for presidency if he is physically and mentally capable.

Mato Grosso journalist gunned down, crime of passion theory disputed

Auro Ida, a renowned political journalist in the west-central state of Mato Grosso and editor of the Midianews ( website, was gunned down in Cuiabá, the state capital, on 22 July, becoming the fourth journalist to be murdered in Brazil since the start of the year.

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