
South America

Homage to Silo

On January 6th the birth of Silo, spiritual guide, paladin of non-violence, philosopher of the Universal Human Nation, was commemorated. He gave the world a path to comprehend human beings in their truly intentional dimension. He created the tools of a novel evolutionary psychology revealing the human consciousness living in and giving shape to multiple planes of existence.

Argentina’s Government encourages measures to broaden connectivity and new technologies

We reproduce here a Report by Telam, National News Agency of Argentina. The boost to the manufacturing of laptops in the productive pole of Tierra del Fuego province, the programme My PC and the rise of the national production of software paved the way for an increase in the connectivity access to almost 60 percent of the inhabitants of the country.

Of Vulture Funds and How to Blackmail the Countries Chosen as Preys

Montevideo – In 2002, Anne Krueger, First Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), floated the idea that countries can go bust, advanced her opinion about a possible international mechanism of sovereign debt restructuring, and when considering the obstacles to an orderly debt restructuring, explicitly mentioned the behavior of vulture funds.

‘Zero Hunger’ World Champion -Brazil, Helps Africa, Asia and Latin America

Brasilia- Brazil and the UN World Food Programme (WFP) have launched a new initiative to help developing countries run their own national school meal programmes to advance the nutrition and education of children.

Three news websites hacked, newspaper publisher bombed

Reporters Without Borders unreservedly condemns such acts of violence
accompanied by incitement to hatred and violence, and hopes there will soon
be results from the investigations into these incidents, which do not bode
well for the free circulation of ideas and opinions.

Article by Benoît Hervieu, form the Americas desk

Pedro Páez letter

Here we give publication to the complete letter we received from our friend Pedro Páez, at the moment in which he concluded his
duties as President of the Ecuadorian Presidential Technical Commission
for the New International Financial Architecture, to which he were appointed by the Ecuatorian President Mr. Rafael Correa.

Chile: New Scenery for Social Protests

Chile is facing new social mobilizations starting on Sunday to protest against the country´s institutionalism, inherited from the Pinochet military dictatorship.
A family march is announced for Sunday afternoon, starting in the Alameda of Santiago, to demand free and public education and a law-abiding plebiscite as an exercise of the will to face the country’s problems.

More media freedom violations feared in protests called for today and tomorrow

Reporters Without Borders shares the concern that the Chilean Union of Photographers and Cameramen has expressed about the possibility of more violence against media personnel by the security forces, especially the carabinero militarized police, during the large protests that are expected to take place today and tomorrow in response to calls from the student movement.

More media freedom violations feared in protests called for today and tomorrow

Reporters Without Borders shares the concern that the Chilean Union of
Photographers and Cameramen has expressed about the possibility of more
violence against media personnel by the security forces, especially
carabineros militarized police, during the protests that are expected
to take place today and tomorrow in response to calls from the student

Salta broadcaster repeatedly sabotaged, other attacks on radio stations

The broadcasts of TV and radio stations owned by Norte Visión Satelital, a media company based in the northern city of Salta, have been seriously disrupted by the deliberate destruction of an antenna by persons unknown on 3 October. Other regional broadcast media have been affected by this act of sabotage, the fourth against the company since the start of the year.

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