
South America

Condemning the murder of Cícero Guedes, leader of the Brazilian Landless Workers’ Movement MST

The Right Livelihood Award Foundation strongly condemns the murder of Cícero Guedes, a leader of the Brazilian Landless Workers’ Movement MST. The MST received the Right Livelihood Award (also known as the “Alternative Nobel Prize”) in 1991. Cícero Guedes dos…

Thirty Berlusconis – South American giant’s flawed media landscape

Reporters Without Borders is today releasing a report entitled “Brazil, the country of 30 Berlusconis” that examines all of the shortcomings of this South American giant’s media landscape It is based on fact-finding visits to Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo…

Solidarity with Venezuela in the U.S.

Cities throughout the U.S. will hold actions of solidarity between January 22nd  and January 31st. Events to be held in Atlanta, Boston, Buffalo, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, New York, Philadelphia & Tucson. The People of the U.S. declare: “WE…

Bolivia: Evo’s government gathers 24% more tax than last year

The Bolivian Tax Office (SIN in its Spanish acronym) has closed the 2012 period with a total tax collection of 37,459.5 million bolivianos (5,421.34 million US dollars), a total which represents an increase of 24% with respect to what was…

UNESCO recognizes Brazilian friar’s contribution to social justice in Latin America and Caribbean

The United Nations has recognized a Brazilian Dominican friar, Frei Betto, with a leading international prize for his “exceptional contribution” to building a universal culture of peace, social justice and human rights in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Director-General…

Trans Activist, Lawyer, Professor: Tamara Adrián Hernández

Tamara Adrián Hernández is a transsexual activist living in Caracas, the capital of Venezuela. However, what actually makes her stand out is her career as a professor in a faculty of law and as an active lawyer. She is a…

New law will benefit media pluralism despite polarized climate

Argentina’s new law on Audiovisual Communication Services (SCA), known in Spanish as the Ley de Medios, is due to enter fully into force tomorrow. Reporters without Borders reiterates its support for the bill’s general principles and endorses its application. However,…

Last-minute court ruling delays application of new broadcasting law

The Argentine media group Clarin obtained an eleventh-hour ruling yesterday delaying the application of a section of the country’s new media law which would have forced it to give up some of its broadcasting licences. The Civil and Commercial Court…

Akhenaten’s syndrome

The dilemma of Progressivism Latin America is experiencing a very special time, as everyone knows. We had to bear for nearly 200 years the rigorous, systematic and often brutal application of “The Monroe Doctrine”, until not much more than a…

Building More Democratic Families in Argentina

By Marcela Valente A wide-ranging reform of Argentina’s civil code is looking to replace traditional concepts of parental authority and control with one of parental responsibility, while expressly prohibiting corporal punishment for children and adolescents. “The changes are pursuing a…

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