
South America

When China Sneezes, Latin America Gets the Flu

By Michelle Tullo.- China’s massive urbanisation has been built, literally, by metal, supplied mostly by Latin American countries (LAC). Yet now China’s slowing economic growth and falling commodity prices threaten Latin American commodity booms. “As commodity prices decline, Latin American policy-makers…

Creation of Multinational Observatory Promoted in Ecuador

Quito, May 6 (Prensa Latina) Representatives of 11 Latin American countries promoted here today to the creation of a regional observatory that will allow nations defending against arbitrations and litigation with TNCs. As explained by the Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Ricardo…

Open Letter to Evo Morales about nuclear energy

  This letter was delivered to the Secretary of the Presidency of Bolivia on March 27, 2014. We are awaiting the response of President Morales and we will publish it as soon as it will arrive. Dear Evo Morales, First…

45 years ago, a message of Peace and Nonviolence today needed more than ever

On May 4th 1969 Silo, also known as “The Sage of the Andes”, spoke to a group of about 200 people who had arrived to Punta de Vacas, a remote outpost at the foothills of Mount Aconcagua near the border…

Brazil Assumes Leadership in Future of Internet Governance

By Marcia Pinheiro  for IPS News SÃO PAULO , Apr 25 2014 (IPS) – Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff signed into law an Internet bill of rights just before her opening speech at an international conference on Internet reform in the…

FARC-EP Announces Significant Progress at Peace Talks

Havana, Apr 25 (Prensa Latina) The Colombian peace process being held in Havana could achieve significant progress by the end of the current round of talks, said Andres Paris, a member of the of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People”s…

Amazon rainforest survey could improve carbon offset schemes

Carbon offsetting initiatives could be improved with new insights into the make-up of tropical forests, a study suggests. Scientists studying the Amazon Basin have revealed unprecedented detail of the size, age and species of trees across the region by comparing…

Zunzuneo Violates Law Principles, Swiss Academician Says

Geneva, Apr 24 (Prensa Latina) U.S. program Zunzuneo, created to promote subversion in Cuba, is a violation of the basic principles of law and international relations, academician Alfred de Zayas said here today. According to a report recently published by…

Colombian President Reinstates Bogota’s Mayor

Bogota, Apr 23 (Prensa Latina) Colombian president Juan Manuel Santos reinstated Bogota”s mayor Gustavo Petro, abiding the Supreme Court” ruling in favor of Petro. “I have already signed the corresponding documents”, he announced. “Like I have always said, I will…

Spanish Left Presents ZunZuneo Case to European Union

Madrid, Apr 22 (Prensa Latina) The United Left (IU) has requested that the European Union (EU) denounce the U.S. ZunZuneo program for its attempts at destabilizing Cuba, Spanish member of the European parliament, Willy Meyer, said today. Interviewed by Prensa…

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