
South America

Virtual Media blackout about the G77 (in fact 133)+China summit

The Group of 77 at the United Nations is a loose coalition of developing nations, designed to promote its members’ collective economic interests and create an enhanced joint negotiating capacity in the United Nations. There were 77 founding members of…

The Day Politic Change: Past Against Future

A very interesting and profound change is happening in Colombia. A country previously known for its violence, killing, and drug trafficking is now following a new path. Just 20 years ago, someone was killed every eight minutes, and millions migrated…

Colombians go to the polls in tightly fought presidential runoff

Colombians are going to the polls in runoff elections seen partly as a referendum on how to deal with the country’s long-running leftist insurgency. More than 220,000 people have died in the conflict. Sunday’s election pits Colombian President Juan Manuel…

Chile’s Patagonia Celebrates Decision Against Wilderness Dams

By Marianela Jarroud The Chilean government rejected Tuesday the controversial HidroAysén project for the construction of five hydroelectric dams on rivers in the south of the country. The decision came after years of struggle by environmental groups and local communities,…

Fifa World Cup: June 12 protests flood the world’s media

Demonstrations, strikes and violence have reached the global media. Attention is turned towards the protests taking place all around Brazil as the World Cup starts. June 12 started out with Galeão airport partially paralysed by demonstrations. In São Paulo, at…

Brazil: Subway Workers Suspend Strike for Now

In Brazil, subway workers have suspended a five-day strike over wages but warned it could resume in time for Thursday’s opening match of the World Cup. On Monday meanwhile, striking teachers protested in Rio de Janeiro. Maria de Lurdes Fonseca:…

Victims Welcome Invitation to Colombian Peace Process

Bogota, Jun 8 (Prensa Latina) Victims of the armed conflict in the Colombian departments of Caldas and Quindio welcomed the decision of the government and the FARC-EP to give them direct participation in the peace talks. According to reports from…

Argentina Reaches Deal to Repay Debts Without IMF Involvement

Democracy Now! Argentina has reached a landmark deal with a group of creditor nations to repay its longstanding debt without the involvement of the International Monetary Fund. Argentina is still trying to recover from a massive economic crisis and default…

Exclusive: Chilean Robin Hood? Artist Known as “Papas Fritas” on Burning $500M Worth of Student Debt

You may know the adventures of Robin Hood and Zorro, outlaws fighting for the poor. Today we meet the newest member of that club, a Chilean activist who goes by the name Papas Fritas. Francisco Tapia, known as Francisco “Papas…

Sanctioning Venezuela Unlikely to Defuse Tensions

By Jim Lobe Pending legislation calling for U.S. President Barack Obama to impose sanctions against key Venezuelan officials is unlikely to defuse the ongoing crisis there and could prove counter-productive, according to both the administration and independent experts here. A…

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