
South America

Uruguayan leftist writer Eduardo Galeano dies at 74

Montevideo, Uruguay, April 13 (Andes).- Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano, an icon of the Latin American left who chronicled the region’s injustices in a career that spanned decades and crossed genres, died Monday at age 74. Galeano, whose 1971 essay “Open…

RIP Eduardo Galeano, Chronicler of Latin America’s “Open Veins”; Watch His Democracy Now! Interviews

One of Latin America’s most acclaimed writers, Eduardo Galeano, has died at the age of 74. The Uruguayan novelist and journalist made headlines when Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez gave President Obama a copy of his classic work, The Open Veins…

Ethic and Legacy of Eduardo Galeano Highlighted in Cuba

Havana, April 13 (Prensa Latina) The death of Eduardo Galeano shocked today to Cuban narrator Marilyn Bobes, who considered the Uruguayan writer the best interpret of Latin American reality. Famous Uruguayan Writer Eduardo Galeano Dies Winner of the Casa de…

Rafael Correa: “Let’s talk about human rights, in Ecuador there is no torture or extrajudicial executions”

Panama City, Panamá, April 11 (Andes) – In a celebrated speech at the VII Summit of the Americas, President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, reflected on power relations which have impeded progress in Latin America, press freedom and reproached the US…

Summit of the Americas in Panama Ends Today

Panama, Apr 11 (Prensa Latina) The Seventh Summit of the Americas will end today in Atlapa Convention Center, with a plenary session to be attended by thirty leaders of the region. Presidents Santos and Obama to Meet in Panama Pope…

White House: Despite Order, Venezuela Not a National Security Threat to U.S.

The White House is backing off its move deeming Venezuela a national security threat to the United States. An executive order signed by President Obama last month used the designation to sanction top Venezuelan officials. But speaking to reporters on…

Ecuador: Forensic analysis throws argument of fraudulent ruling out the window for Chevron

Quito, Abril 1 (Andes).- A new forensic analysis appears to completely undermine the testimony of Chevron’s star witness in the Ecuador pollution case and suggests the oil company falsified evidence about the authorship of the Ecuador trial judgment to evade…

Remove US military bases from Latin America – UNASUR chief

Latin American countries should discuss removing all US military bases from their soil, a top official of integration organization UNASUR suggested. The issue may be discussed next month at the upcoming Summit of the Americas in Panama. The Summit of…

Humanist Party Buenos Aires launches election campaign

Hello friends! In Buenos Aires we are in campaign until 26/04. There are simultaneous and mandatory open primaries. This means we need 30,000 votes (1.5%) to surpass this instance and participate in the general elections of 05/07. We hope, based…

ALBA Caracas Declaration: Peace Against U.S. Aggression

Caracas, Mar 18 (Prensa Latina) The Final Declaration of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) signed in Caracas at the end of the summit held here, confirms the commitment of that group to peace in face…

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