
South America

Two Indigenous Solar Engineers Changed Their Village in Chile

By Marianela Jarroud Liliana and Luisa Terán, two indigenous women from northern Chile who travelled to India for training in installing solar panels, have not only changed their own future but that of Caspana, their remote village nestled in a stunning…

Native Protest Camp in Argentine Capital Fights for Land and Visibility

By Fabiana Frayssinet Since Feb. 14, one large tent and several smaller ones set up on a small square at the intersection of two major avenues, Avenida 9 de Julio and Avenida de Mayo, have housed some 40 representatives of a…

‘Victory for the People’ as Guatemalan President Resigns in Disgrace

U.S.-backed Otto Pérez Molina stepped down over corruption charges, but Guatemalans say his crimes include torture and acts of genocide by Sarah Lazare, staff writer for Common Dreams School of the Americas-trained Guatemalan President Otto Pérez Molina, who oversaw acts…

ProMosaik interviews the peace activist Pia Figueroa Edwards

We have talked to Pia Figueroa Edwards, an activist for non-violence and peace from Chile. We have asked her questions about humanism as the right way to go, about her socio-political acitivity, about her strategy. A great woman, strong, and…

Defending regional integration, advancing democratization Forum on Communication for Integration of Our America

ALAI On July 20-21, the Forum on Communication for Integration of Our America held a coordination meeting in Quito.  The Forum is a convergence space for communication networks and social movements of Latin America and the Caribbean, engaged with the…

Afro-Colombians Should be at the Negotiating Table

On behalf of organizations and communities that make up The Afro-Colombian National Peace Council (CONPA), and in the context of the announcements made on Sunday, July 12, 2015 by the negotiating parties on agreements to de-escalate the internal armed conflict,…

Belo Monte Dam May Begin Operations Despite Noncompliance

The dam has failed to comply with conditions for the protection of the health, integrity and way of life of affected communities. Organizations reiterate the validity of the precautionary measures granted by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in favor…

Wikileaks report: Bugging Brazil

WikiLeaks publishes today, 4 July at 08:00 BRT, a top secret US National Security Agency target list of 29 key Brazilian government phone numbers that were selected for intensive interception. The publication proves that not only President Dilma Rousseff was…

Berlin civil society shows its support for the government of Ecuador

The German Ecuador Solidarity group, EcuaSoli, participated with political placards in two Ecuadorian concerts which took place in the German capital. On the 28th of June, hundreds of Germans and Latin-Americans based in Berlin gathered in the city’s Mauerpark to…

Chile: The Constitution for Everyone

The Constitution for Everyone is the name of an independent citizens’ initiative in Chile that was publicly launched today with the aim of educating and promoting broad dialogue about the Constitution. Through a digital platform (, participants will be able…

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