
South America

Genocide of the native peoples and slavery in olden days Caribbean

Reparations in the Americas Colonialism Reparation welcomes the support given by the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) to the request for reparations for the genocide of the native peoples and the slavery of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM)…

The Vulture

How billionaire Rubio backer Paul Singer made billions off Argentina debt crisis Argentina has reached an agreement to pay U.S. hedge funds that have sought for 14 years to profit off the country’s debt. The hedge funds bought up Argentina’s…

Hold-out deal in Argentina makes solving debt crises more difficult, UN rights experts say

By Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky and Alfred de Zayas for ALAI In the context of the Argentinean Congress discussing the implications of a proposed agreement between Argentina and hedge funds, the Independent Expert on the effects of foreign debt on human…

Honduras: Goldman Environmental Prize winner Berta Caceres killed

Berta Caceres, who won the 2015 Goldman Environmental Prize, has been shot dead at her home in the town of La Esperanza, the killing done by two assailants who broke into her home, says a member of her group, the Indian Council…

Argentina thrown to the vultures

In June 2015 the Jubilee Debt Campaign explained: ‘Argentina’s economy is being held to ransom by a small handful of very wealthy speculators – so-called ‘vulture funds’. ‘A New York court has awarded two US vulture funds a $1.3 billion…

Colombia: Letter Regarding Afrocolombian and Indigenous Participation in Peace Talks

Sirs Humberto de la Calle L., Chief Peace Negotiator for the Colombian Government Sergio Jaramillo, High Commissioner for Peace Rodrigo Londoño Echeverri, FARC Commander, Peace Negotiations Delegate GAIDEPAC –Group of Academics and Intellectuals in Defense of the Colombian Pacific –…

Taking back our common lands and life

There has always been something suspicious about what once was termed ‘global warming’, then became climate change – which no one can deny is taking place. Then the issue was further refined and the core point became man-made negative changes…

Humanist Party of Uruguay – position paper

  POSITION ON THE CURRENT SITUATION, THE REPRESSION and THE FIGHT OF THE OPPRESSED. We are in a world that develops systems of social oppression and these are ever increasing, producing violence in all its forms. In some places this…

Argentina: Free Milagro Sala

Humanists denounce and reject all forms of violence, in particular when people who fight for social change are deprived of liberty, such is the case of Milagro Sala.  Milagro represents a social organisation, Tupac Amaru, whose membership consists of thousands…

President of Colombia hails progress made in the resolution of 50 years of civil war

Juan Manuel Santos, President of Colombia, addressed the members of the assembled press in a short conference at the CELEC summit taking place in Ecuador today, before returning to talks dealing with the problems of regional poverty. He spoke of…

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