
South America

Cristina, my love

I’m not a feminist, neither red, nor leftist, nor revolutionary. I know very well where I do belong: I am a pariah and Cristina is my love. As well as Mercedes Sosa, Dilma, Evita and Violetona Parra. And as a…

Brazil – Call it a ‘Coup’

 Leaked transcripts detail how elite orchestrated overthrow in Brazil Revelations detail ‘national pact’ between government, military, and oil executives By McCauley, staff writer for Common Dreams  Confirming suspicions that the ouster of Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff is, in fact, a coup designed…

Dilma, unbreakable

“We should have killed her,” her torturers will have repeated hundreds of times to themselves when they saw her becoming Brazil’s first woman president. Or they would have wanted cancer to make her disappear from the political scene, just like…

Plea for Zika mosquitoes and their kith and kin

The Zika-disease spreading mosquito is everywhere and all the usual precautions need be taken to prevent bites, from generously supplied nets to more inclusive education. That’s because we are ever invading nature’s own spaces without regard for the creatures that live there.…

Rio de Janeiro: the vigour of resistance

By Valdir Silveira. The situation in Brazil is critical and there will be violent forces that seek to take away our rights, but the event of today – just like previous acts – has been of great participation and vigour. …

Music for forging links

By Beatriz Prieto (Warmis Base Team – Convergence of Cultures) Music to generate empathy: this is the idea behind the project “Lakitas Sinchi Warmis: Women blowing wind” – set in motion by the Warmis base team of the international humanist…

To Overthrow a Government With Beer: Trumpism in Latin America

by MARIA PAEZ VICTOR   Yet another multibillionaire wants to run a country: Lorenzo Mendoza. He is a member of one of the most rich and powerful families of Venezuela and is positioning himself to be president – not by…

Rousseff’s impending impeachment stalls on procedural flaws

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff’s impending impeachment has stalled after the speaker of the lower house of Congress annulled a vote by MPs to launch the process. The on-off saga still has legs to run. The Senate was due to start…

Argentina: 100 murals for Milagro Sala’s freedom

The Argentinian neighbourhood association, Tupac Amaru, whose founder, Milagro Sala, is in jail on trumped-up political charges, launched a new non-violent campaign last weekend to protest against her unjust detention. The campaign uses a classical measure in Argentinian social life…

We were there!

That 4th of May 1969 was an unprecedented day without a doubt. Everything had been prepared, back in the city and in the place itself so Silo could give his first public address, and with a gathering facing the imposed…

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