
South America

An Open Letter to the People of Brazil

As I read of the latest coup in Brazil, once again removing a democratically elected leader from power, my anger surged. Not again! However, as I see and read about the ongoing massive protests, as well as calls by prominent…

Humanists reject violence in Bolivia

No to Violence in Bolivia, yes to social transformation We denounce the acts of violence in Bolivia that led to the deaths of four miners in alleged clashes and of two government officials cowardly murdered after being tortured. After centuries…

The Humanist Party says “No to the institutional coup d’état in Brazil”

Impeachment of Rousseff carried out by neoliberalism. The limits of formal democracy. The urgent need to build real democracies. The constitutional president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, has been found guilty of corruption by the Senate and has been definitively relieved…

Complete reversal of Democracy: Glenn Greenwald on Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment

Embattled Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff is slated to testify today at her impeachment trial—a trial that many are calling a coup by her right-wing political rivals. Rousseff has denounced the proceedings and called for early elections to unite the country.…

Ecuador expresses its concern for inadequate response to “serious incident” in its embassy in London

Quito,  Aug 23 (Andes).- The Ecuadorian government expressed Tuesday its concern for the inadequate response by British Authorities after the “serious incident” reported on the 22nd in the embassy in London, when a man attempted to get inside the building where…

Argentinean priests show solidarity with Milagro Sala

Buenos Aires, Aug 18 (Prensa Latina) Around 70 priests of the ”Option for the Poor” movement today join a hunger strike in solidarity with the Argentinean parliamentarian and social leader Milagro Sala, considered a political prisoner. The priests will fast…

Thursday’s Date with Calls for a Fairer Chile

Viewpoint by Pía Figueroa* SANTIAGO (IDN) – Every year, as they have been doing since 2011, students in Chile take to the streets each Thursday, demanding a free and good quality education system. They are increasingly being joined by their…

Ecuador’s Correa: it’s neoliberalism, not socialism that has failed

Leftist leader says growth “that favors the poor, growth with social justice, growth with equity,” worthy of pursuit byAndrea Germanos, staff writer for Common Dreams Ecuadoran president Rafael Correa on Sunday denounced “fantasies of trickle-down theories” and said that it’s neoliberalism,…

‘Not a good day for Democracy’: senate approves impeachment trial for Brazil’s Rousseff

Her ouster—an effort she’s calling a coup— would be end of 13 years of rule by leftist Workers’ Party, and would leave in place unelected Temer by Andrea Germanos, staff writer for Common Dreams Brazil’s Senate on Wednesday voted to…

A new chapter in the persecution of popular leaders

Press Release by the Committee for Milagro Sala’s Freedom Yesterday, with the arrest warrant that the judge Martinez de Giorgi ordered for the President of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, Hebe de Bonafini, we have witnessed in a new…

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