
South America

Face 2 Face with Pía Figueroa

In this special show recorded in Chile, we spoke with Pía Figueroa, co-director of Pressenza, about the new political landscape in Chile and about the new-formed Frente Amplio political coalition composed of left-wing and centre-left parties and movements. We also…

Frente Amplio’s Celebration ​Takes Over Valparaíso​’​s Plaza Victoria

​Flags, drums and people from the multiple political fronts and organizations of Chile’s Frente Amplio coalition​ ​filled Plaza Victoria​ in ​Valparaíso on March 11 to celebrate​​ the investiture of twenty deputies and one senator to the new government​. ​Included in…

Chile: Commitment to the people assumed by Frente Amplio (Broad Front) parliamentarians

After concluding the official ceremonies of change of command of the authorities of the Legislative and Executive Power in the Hall of Honour of the National Congress, the members of Frente Amplio attended the Plaza de la Victoria, located in…

#21F and the process of change in Bolivia: barely twelve years versus centuries of humiliation

ALAI AMLAT-en, 09/03/2018.-. Close observation of the coat of arms of the Pluri-National State of Bolivia, reveals at the bottom of the oval a mountain. But not just any mountain: it is the Sumaj Orcko, a magnificent peak, a sacred…

Ecuador Endangered

By John Seed* The tropical Andes of Ecuador are at the top of the world list of biodiversity hotspots in terms of vertebrate species, endemic vertebrates, and endemic plants. Ecuador has more orchid and hummingbird species than Brazil, which is…

Informer Reveals Selectivity of Lava Jato Operation in Lula’s Case

Brasilia, Feb 28 (Prensa Latina) The informer Fernando Migliaccio, an ex-executive with the company Odebrecht, revealed the selectivity of the anti-corruption operation Lava Jato in the case of former President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, the digital newspaper Brasil 247…

The Venezuelan “Petro” – Towards A New World Reserve Currency?

By Peter Koenig As this article goes to print, Globovision TV quotes Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announcing the launch of a new cryptocurrency, the “Petro Oro”. It will be backed by precious metals. The launch of the new cryptomoney is…

Argentina continues to seek truth and justice, despite the hurdles

By Daniel Gutman for IPS. BUENOS AIRES, Jan 21 2018 (IPS) – Thirty-four years after Argentina’s return to democracy, more than 500 cases involving human rights abuses committed during the 1976-1983 military dictatorship are making their way through the courts.…

Tomas Hirsch: “Valuing diversity is what makes convergence possible”

We interviewed Tomás Hirsch, a humanist Deputy from Frente Amplio (Broad Front), a conglomerate that was formed just a year ago in Chile. However, long before this different attempts of convergence between progressive political forces of this country were made.…

Annual Meeting of Silo’s Message, in Park Punta de Vacas, January 2018

During the days 5, 6 and 7 of January the Annual Meeting of Messengers was held in the historic park of Punta de Vacas [1], where Silo gave his first public speech: “The Healing of Suffering”, today recorded in metal…

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