
South America

“The flights of death Argentina”, present in Madrid

At the event, the books `Final Destination’ by Giancarlo Ceraudo and `Skyvan’ by Miriam Lewin were presented. “The madwomen told him to be patient and not to give up,” said Taty Almeida in her final speech. Photos: Ariel Brocchieri On Friday,…

What does the (s)election of Ivan Duque in Colombia mean for Latin America and the Caribbean?

The historical perspective Exactly one hundred years ago, Marco Fidel Suarez took over the presidency of Colombia and coined the foreign policy guidelines called Respice Polum (“Let’s look at the pole” or “towards the North”) or the Suarez Doctrine. Since…

We are history in the making

The video below shows the last leg of a long process, which this week culminated in the half-sanction of the decriminalisation of abortion in Argentina. The process was led and sustained tirelessly by thousands of women across the country. The…

Argentina votes to legalise abortion in latest victory for global feminism

Ana Cecilia Dinerstein, University of Bath and Lucía Cirmi Obón, National University of Quilmes for The Conversation “Nothing will stop us now!” These were the words of the excited and emotional activists when Argentina’s parliament voted narrowly (129 votes to…

Colombia struggles to build trust in the state as peace process rumbles on

 Gwen Burnyeat, UCL for The Conversation In the Colombian peace plebiscite of 2016, 50.2% of voters rejected the Havana Accords signed between the government and the FARC guerrilla movement. This they did after a sensationalist No campaign exploited a lack…

Face 2 Face with Carlos Aguasaco

On this show we speak with Carlos Aguasaco, Associate Professor​ at the CUNY Latin American Cultural Studies. We discuss the ​current political situation in Colombia ​and the upcoming presidential election. The eletion is perhaps the m​ost impo​rtant one​ in the​…

Colombians in London campaign for Petro’s humanised Colombia

Images by Ancizar Morales In London, Colombian migrants have been campaigning extensively for the Presidential candidacy of Gustavo Petro. His programme, prioritising Peace, Health, Education, Diversity and Multilateral international relations, has attracted a large following amongst the young and is…

South American March for Peace and Active Nonviolence

The South American March for Peace and Active Nonviolence is an initiative of the organization World without Wars and without Violence, which has volunteers in several countries of the world, and in 2009 organized the successful and massive World March…

Homage to Silo: Thinking and works

In few minutes we will try to give an overview of Silo’s thought expressed through his books, lectures, interviews and talks that he has tirelessly given over the past 50 years. His production is extensive and deals in depth with…

Venezuela chose: Now, the media will invalidate the results

More than eight million six hundred thousand Venezuelans have participated in the presidential election this Sunday, whose result has been the renewal of mandate to the current president Nicolás Maduro. The new state councils were also elected, although the focus…

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