
South America

Inside the Neoliberal Laboratory Preparing for the Theft of Venezuela’s Economy

By Justin Podur (1)   As we watch a U.S.-backed coup unfold in a distant country, as in Venezuela today, our eyes are drawn to the diplomatic, military, and economic elements of the U.S. campaign. The picture of a scowling…

A Nonviolent Strategy to Defeat a US Military Invasion of Venezuela

To the People of Venezuela Recently I wrote an article explaining how you could defeat, using nonviolent strategy, the US coup attempt that is taking place in your country. See ‘A Nonviolent Strategy to Defeat the US Coup Attempt in…

TAKE ACTION: Strike a blow against corporate power in 2019

Under ISDS corporations and the rich have sued governments for billions of euros – for anything from introducing health warnings on cigarettes to banning dirty oil drilling. Citizens, campaigners and social movements are uniting in 2019 to put an end…

In Venezuela, White Supremacy is a Key to Trump’s Coup

originally published on Truthout, February 7, 2019   On January 23, right after a phone call from Donald Trump, Juan Guaidó, former speaker of Venezuela’s National Assembly, declared himself president. No voting. When you have official recognition from The Donald, who needs elections? Say what? I…

An Open Letter To The People Of The U.S. From President Nicolás Maduro

“If I know anything, it is about the people, because just like you, I am a man of the people. I was born and raised in a poor neighborhood of Caracas. I was forged in the heat of popular and…

The Venezuela Myth Keeping Us from Transforming Our Economy

Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is getting significant media attention these days, after Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said in an interview that it should “be a larger part of our conversation” when it comes to funding the Green New Deal. According to MMT,…

UN Warns Against Politicizing Humanitarian Aid in Venezuela

The United Nations warned on Wednesday against using aid as a pawn in Venezuela after the United States sent food and medicine to the country’s border and accused President Nicolas Maduro of blocking its delivery with trucks and shipping containers. U.S. officials…

Venezuela: US Pursuing Humanitarian Aid Path To War

The United States has been working with oligarchs in Venezuela to remove President Maduro since he came to office in 2013 after the death of Hugo Chavez and was re-elected that year. After he won re-election to another six-year term…

Letter to the World and to Venezuela

By Alejandro Ochoa According to the first paragraph of Article 71 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela: “The matters of special national interest may be subjected to Consultant Referendum by the initiative of The President of the…

How Chrystia Freeland Organized Donald Trump’s Coup in Venezuela

By Eric Zuesse On Monday, February 5th, Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland announced that the 14 countries of the Lima Group — who had actually formed themselves under her direction into this new group on 8 August 2017 in order to overthrow…

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