
South America

Stay true to Chavismo, says Maduro as power outage continues due to cyber-attacks on Venezuela’s power grid

Venezuela’s electrical systems have been targeted by another cyber-attack. In the face of this imperialist sabotage, Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro said: “We have overcome so many challenges, we’ll overcome this one.” Venezuelan President was addressing a huge mass gathering in capital city…

Brumadinho dam collapse: mining industry needs radical change to avoid future disasters

Breno Nunes, Aston University and Flávio Hourneaux Junior, Universidade de São Paulo for The Conversation People learn by making mistakes. The same is true for firms and society – success depends on being able to internalise lessons and behave differently…

Venezuelan President Maduro Blames U.S. Sabotage for Massive Blackout

In Venezuela, President Nicolás Maduro is blaming the U.S. government for a prolonged power outage that plunged most of the country into darkness Thursday. Maduro says anti-government saboteurs backed by the U.S. took the nation’s main hydroelectric power station at…

Venezuela-Baiting: How Media Keep Anti-Imperialist Dissent in Check

By Alan MacLeod Corporate media have always attacked leftists for their positions on Venezuela, a country consistently demonized and misrepresented in the US press (, 6/1/02, 11/1/05, 4/1/13, 2/22/19). But with President Donald Trump’s latest tightening of sanctions, and signs of a build-up to…

Guaidó returns to Venezuela for next stage of US regime-change operation

By Bill Van Auken Self-proclaimed “interim president” Juan Guaidó returned to Venezuela after an 11-day absence Monday, escorted into the country by a phalanx of Western diplomats, including the ambassadors of the US, Germany, France, Canada, Brazil and several other…

Historian: Venezuela Is “Staging Ground” for U.S. to Reassert Control Over Latin America

While Mexico and Uruguay are calling for dialogue to address the crisis in Venezuela, much of Latin America has sided with the Trump administration by recognizing Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó as Venezuela’s new leader. We look at what this…

Notes From the Streets of Venezuela—The People Are Resilient in the Face of Foreign Intervention

“If the government falls, we will be evicted. We—the Black, the poor, the working class—will lose what we have” By Vijay Prashad (1) This article was produced by Globetrotter, a project of the Independent Media Institute.   Mariela Machado is…

As Trump Pushes for Overthrow in Venezuela, Sanders Warns Against Repeating History’s Mistake

“The United States has a very bad record of intervening in Latin American countries and that must not happen again,” said Sanders. “The future of Venezuela must be left to the Venezuelan people.” by Jon Queally, staff  for Common Dreams Progressive…

No War on Venezuela! March on Wall Street

#23Feb actions have been called across the country and across the globe. Full list here: We cannot be silent in the face of the latest U.S. aggression against the Venezuelan people. Nicolás Maduro is the president of the Bolivarian…

Dialogue with Tomás Hirsch / Chile: a deeply inhuman system

“The Chilean model, which is presented abroad as the greatest success of neoliberalism, presents a very different reality for millions of Chilean families,” said Tomás Hirsch, deputy of the Chilean Humanist Party (Frente Amplio), in an interview with ALAI.  This…

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