
South America

Tomás Hirsch: “We can see that the Chilean people woke up”

The former candidate for Chilean president and founder of the Humanist Party, Tomás Hirsch, said: “It is a people who have lived on a miserable salary, with unbearable pensions that do not allow them to live, with rising electricity, water,…

From Aperture to Protectionism: Immigrants Test Chile’s Open Door

By Maxine Lowy Hundreds, many families with young children, rest in tents, or lean against suitcases by the side of the road. Volunteers from charitable organizations occasionally pass through, offering bottled water, Styrofoam boxes containing food, and sometimes set up…

Mario Aguilar [Chile]: “Never again a negotiation behind people’s backs”.

We reproduce here the words of the President of the Teachers Union of Chile and member of Unidad Social – which is calling for a national strike tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday, October 24, more information at: – at a…

Chile: Humanists and the Current Moment

Hello friends, It is difficult to make a synthesis of what we are living, but in the attempt to transmit our point of view, I’ll tell you a little. I believe that we are witnessing something that Humanism has been…

Chile: It´s not 30 pesos, it´s 30 years

“It’s not 30 pesos, it’s 30 years” is a slogan that was repeated Sunday in many social networks and protesters banners who continued to go to the streets throughout the country. “30 pesos” refers to the rise of Santiago Metro…

Mario Aguilar [in Chile]: “Violence comes from the powerful. Let’s take care of each other.”

In the context of the strong social unrest that Chile is going through, the President of the College of Teachers -Mario Aguilar- called on his colleagues for solidarity and nonviolent civil disobedience. His words are reproduced below, as well as…

Chile: Mass evasion in the Santiago Metro, widespread demonstrations in the capital and declaration of a state of emergency

This week there was a massive call to jump over the paying turnstiles of the Santiago Metro, in response to the fourth fare rise so far this year. Mainly high school students entered the stations en masse, surpassing the responsiveness…

Ecuador –The fight Against Moreno and the IMF is far from Over

By Peter Koenig In Ecuador, the fight against IMF austerity measures is far from over. Just a few hours after my article was published on Sunday, 13 October,Ecuador  – and the IMF’s Killing Spree –, President Lenin Moreno declared the infamous…

Face 2 Face with Martha Hauze

On this show we speak with Martha Hauze, founding member of Movement for the Peace in Colombia, about the present situation of the ongoing peace process there and the challenges facing the country during this very complicated socio-political moment. Social…

Chile: Congressman Hirsch presents project against war

Today, Tuesday, October 15, Humanist Congressman Tomás Hirsch will present, together with Congressmen Labra (PC), Fernández (PS), Marzán (PPD), Mirosevic (PL), Boric (Conv) and Girardi (PPD) a constitutional reform project that seeks to make Chile renounce war as a method…

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