
South America

Nelsy Lizarazo speaking from Ecuador: “Now we know who we are”.

When, after 11 days of strong social mobilization, Decree 883 was repealed and the beginning of a broad dialogue between the government and the indigenous movement was announced, the issue ceased to occupy the headlines of the mainstream media. However,…

Santiago LIVE: Thousands of people gather spontaneously

  In this link, you can follow live the spontaneous mobilization that is taking place in Santiago de Chile. One million people according to the radio. 19:15 The Carabineros (police) began to pour tear gas and water upon the people, who…

Greta and the young people who jumped the turnstiles

“How dare you?,” Greta Thurnberg said at the UN to those responsible for the planet’s environmental situation, angry, impotent, belonging to the generation that will inherit a world collapsed in its sustainability. She was coming to Chile to participate in…

Eighth Fair of Nonviolent Initiatives was held in Quito

In the framework of Nonviolent October, this morning and afternoon was held in Cumandá Parque Urbano, in the city of Quito, the 8th Fair of Nonviolent Initiatives. Hundreds of people visited stands and participated in recreational activities, sensory, with pets,…

Exchange and integration of experiences in Chile this week

In the district house of the humanist parliamentary deputy of the Frente Amplio (Broad Front), Tomás Hirsch, a meeting of 120 people took place today, seeking to understand better, exchange with others and finish integrating everything lived during the last…

Alberto Fernández wins the elections and is the president-elect of Argentina

In the elections held this Sunday 27 in Argentina, the candidate of the Frente de Todos (Front for All) Alberto Fernández was elected as the new president. Alberto Fernandez wins the elections and is the president-elect of Argentina together with…

Photo-reportage: Plaza Italia in Santiago de Chile, October 25

We publish here the sequence of photos that give an account of what happened today, October 25, with the largest gathering of people that has taken place in a Chilean demonstration. According to the data we have, approximately 1,500,000 people…

More demonstrations of support and solidarity with Chile around the world

As the days go by, demonstrations by Chileans and local organizations are held in more cities around the world to express their support for the Chilean people in these days of change, as well as to join the demand that…

Chile Tomás Hirsch: “You can’t dialogue whilst the military are on the streets”.

Yesterday (23) the Chamber of Deputies of Chile held a special session with the presence of the Minister of Interior and Public Security, Andrés Chadwick, who presented a report on the measures taken by the government in response to the…

The right to protest, immediate demilitarization, and an end to human rights violations in Chile

By AUCH! (Autoras Chilenas. Local organisation of feminist authors)   Chile, October 24, 2019 Last week protests and acts of civil disobedience erupted in Santiago de Chile due to a rise in the price of the metro. This increase by…

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