
South America

More images of the multitudinous demonstration in Santiago

There are many images left of this Friday of the third week of mass demonstrations in various places in Chile. Without a doubt Santiago is the place from where our photographers have collected the most moments, despite the fact that…

A historic day for Berlin, when will the Chilean people be able to celebrate the triumph of their revolution?

Thirty years ago, on 9.11.1989 the Berlin Wall fell after a peaceful revolution of the citizens of the DDR. There was no military intervention. On the eve of this historic day, many people gathered in the “East Side Gallery” a…

‘An Extraordinary Day’: Brazilian Leftist Leader Lula Freed From Prison

“An extraordinary day in Brazil—for the world, given Lula’s stature.” by Eoin Higgins, staff writer for Common Dreams Former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, known as Lula, was freed from prison Friday after a year-and-a-half behind bars due to a…

21 days of demonstrations in Chile

What began with students jumping off the turnstiles to evade payment of the increased  Metro fare has become a social outpouring of proportions claiming to end the neoliberal model in Chile. People have had enough of enduring the inclemency, the…

Carabineros will be investigated for crimes of torture in Chile

This was confirmed by the Attorney General’s Office, since torture and repression has been “a daily thing for the students” according to the leader of ACES, Coordinating Assembly of Secondary Students. In addition to torture, minors have been forced to…

Chile, Rigoberta Menchú’s visit due to Human Rights situation.

Rigoberta Menchú, Guatemalan and 1992 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, is on a visit to Chile and showed her concern about allegations of human rights violations by state agents during the Chilean protests on Sunday 3. This after meeting in Santiago…

Massive caravan of cyclists demonstrates in front of Piñera’s residence in Santiago de Chile

One Sunday after three holidays, which was expected without major events, the public opinion was surprised by a massive caravan of cyclists who came to the home of President Piñera to demonstrate in front of his own residence with slogans…

Defying the neoliberal prescriptions: The organic veins in América Latina

Javier Tolcachier 22/10/2019 Evo won! The process of change won. By a small difference, after the count, the officialist binomio overcame the barrier of ten points over the second, Carlos Mesa. The representa tive of neoliberalism was the ex-vice president…

We advance in Chile to a General Strike for the Constituent Assembly

The undersigned organizations have gathered in a historic meeting whose purpose was to give a sign of unity in the face of the indolence and lack of willingness of the government, businessmen and parliament to listen, attend and process the…

Brazil: indigenous Guajajara killed by loggers in Maranhão

The group of indigenous forest agents known as “Guardians of the Forest” was ambushed by loggers on Friday, November 1, 2019, in the interior of the Araribóia Indigenous Land, region of Bom Jesus das Selvas (Maranhão state), between the Lagoa…

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