
South America

Of all the crimes that haunt him, Alvaro Uribe has been arrested for the least serious

While the former president and senator for the Democratic Centre Party (Centro Democratico in Spanish) is being investigated for alleged procedural fraud and bribery, his files in various judicial offices are still full of not yet resolved facts related to…

Argentina’s debt restructuring deal explained

The Argentine government has struck a substantial debt deal with some major creditors, saving it billions. What exactly is the deal about and could it save the ailing economy? Argentina owes a fortune — $323 billion (€274 billion) as of…

Evo Morales denounces persecution against leaders in Bolivia

Former Bolivia’s President Evo Morales (2006-2019) denounced on Monday the de facto government’s political persecution of trade union leader Juan Carlos Guarachi and lawmaker Betty Yañiquez, for bolstering protests against the postponement of elections. ‘We will defend trade union and…

Harvard denounces massacres by the Añez government in Bolivia: “They shot at us like we were animals”

By Jesus Murillo Añez. This past Monday, the International Human Rights Clinic (IHRC), an organization member of Harvard Law School and the University Network for Human Rights (UNHR), denounced through a 92-page report “disconcerting patterns of human rights violations” committed…

‘We Will Coup Whoever We Want’: Elon Musk and the Overthrow of Democracy in Bolivia

By Vijay Prashad and Alejandro Bejarano On July 24, 2020, Tesla’s Elon Musk wrote on Twitter that a second U.S. “government stimulus package is not in the best interests of the people.” Someone responded to Musk soon after, “You know…

Colombia begins campaign for social leaders’ lives

The campaign ‘Silence is no longer an option’ began on Sunday in Colombia with the objective to defend the lives of social leaders and signatories of the Peace Accord. Promoted by the Defend Peace movement, the crusade seeks to renew…

Ecuador: obstacles for Rafael Correa and his party to participate in next year’s elections

On July 20, the National Electoral Council of Ecuador announced the suspension of four political organizations and with it, their inability to participate in next year’s general elections. One of the suspended organizations is Fuerza Compromiso Social, an organization under…

Chilean government defeated by Senate vote on pension funds

After the defeat suffered in the Senate, which approved an important constitutional reform on pension funds, the government of Sebastián Piñera is today in an increasingly difficult situation. The text, which for the first time points to the hitherto untouchable…

Peace Deal in Colombia: A Pending Task

By Zenaida Espinosa and Jorge Escobar Banderas Almost four years have passed since the peace deal signed between the Colombian government and FARC former guerrillas. In the meantime many changes have been fostered, although there are still many debts unpaid,…

Financialization of Copper Mining in Chile

As Chile gets convulsed by the aggravating effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, the structural brutality of copper mining is being starkly outlined. At Codelco or the National Copper Corporation of Chile, approximately 3,000 workers have been infected with Coronavirus and…

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