
South America

Why U.S. Political Scientists Are Arguing That Evo Morales Should Be the President of Bolivia

By Vijay Prashad and Manuel Bertoldi Three political scientists from the United States closely studied allegations of fraud in the Bolivian election of 2019 and found that there was no fraud. These scholars—from the University of Pennsylvania and Tulane University—looked…

Feminists Protests in Chile

With cacerolazos (pots and pans protest), canvases, protest signs and panflets handed out by the subway exit Chile protested today against the the city of Temuco’s court, which only ruled house arrest for Martín Pradenas, who is indicted for sexual…

SOS Galápagos

Yearly, local communities in Galápagos and other protected tropical areas earn millions of dollars of income through the thousands of scuba divers, who come to swim with whale sharks, stingrays and other marine megafauna. By Lucas Bustamante (text and pictures)…

The Tragic Assassination of Colombia’s Sports Hero Patrón, Lover of Football and His Afro-Colombian Community

By Vijay Prashad and Zoe PC Not much, apart from football, unites the Colombian people. If a 2014 Interior Ministry survey called “The Power of Football” is to be believed, then 94 percent of the Colombian population say that football…

Uruguay wages successful fight against COVID-19

Uruguay is warding off the coronavirus pandemic better than other Latin American nations. The country’s low population density and a robust health care system are big factors in its success. Latin America has been in the grip of the COVID-19…

Ecuador’s indigenous Amazonian peoples launch online COVID-19 tracker

Data helps the public understand where help is most Indigenous Amazonian populations in Ecuador can now see how COVID-19 is affecting their communities through a platform designed and updated by the NGO Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of the Ecuadorian Amazon (Confeniae). Before…

Second Meeting of Global Networks

Dear friends, we invite you to the 2nd Virtual Meeting for Multiconvergence of Global Networks 29th August 2020 (Saturday 16th to 18:30h, Paris time)   Objectives To discuss the possibilities of deepening the articulation of our networks.A first proposal to…

More than 200 entities reinforce motion against Bolsonaro at Hague Tribunal

Complaint against the president stalled in the hands of a prosecutor; endorsment may increase pressure to move forward The Brazilian Association of Jurists for Democracy (ABJD) gained the support of 223 civil organizations, political parties and social movements in Brazil,…

Bolivia on the verge of social uprising

Bolivia is on the verge of a great social uprising that will bury the de facto regime of Jeanine Añez and restore democracy in the country, as political analysts assure. One of these experts is the Bolivian head of the…

Farewell words from Machi Celestino Cordova

We publish here the farewell words that, after 100 days on hunger strike, were pronounced by Machi Celestino Cordova, Chilean indigenous leader, who indicates his resolution to go back to his dry strike in order to accelerate the process of…

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