
South America

Chile: Liberation Performance

In front of the National Stadium, the feminist group Las Tesis Senior returned yesterday to give a performance for the liberation of the Uprising for Dignity prisoners. Women all dressed in black, with a white scarf in their hands, were…

During the Cold War, Latin American intellectuals found solace in communist Prague

Gabriel García Márquez, Jorge Amado, and Pablo Neruda were among the illustrious visitors Before COVID-19, Prague was visited every year by millions of tourists looking for cheap beer and spectacular architecture. In the 1950s, on the other hand, the capital of then-Czechoslovakia attracted…

CLADE’s final declaration

After a reflection process carried out through seven thematic virtual meetings and the subsequent systematization of the contents that emerged, in order to evaluate and ponder them in intense work days developed through assemblies also virtually during this last week,…

The Implosion of Capitalism in Guatemala

By Yanis Iqbal On 21 November, 2020, thousands of Guatemalans rallied in the central square of the country’s capital, took over the Congress and set fire to several rooms inside. The immediate trigger for this outburst of anger was the 2021 budget – now revoked by…

Why Imperialism Is Obsolete in Latin America

An interview with Jorge Arreaza, foreign minister of Venezuela. By Vijay Prashad In September 2018, Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro visited China, where he met with China’s President Xi Jinping and signed a series of important agreements on trade and culture.…

The End of Illusion for Indigenous Peoples in Colombia

The Peace Agreement signed in 2016 between the Government of Colombia and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) raised hopes among the Indigenous Peoples, Afro-descendant populations and peasant communities that they might henceforward be able to live in peace…

6.2 magnitude quake hits off Chile coast – USGS

A 6.2-magnitude earthquake rocked the Chilean coast, the US Geological Survey has reported. It struck at a depth of 20 kilometers (12 miles). The jolt occurred late Saturday 157.4 km (97.8 miles) to the southeast of Talca, a city of…

Education for peace and non-violence in times of crisis

Doris Balvín, senior researcher at the New Civilization Humanist Studies Center in Lima, Peru and a specialist in social ecology, spoke with Pressenza about education for peace and non-violence in times of social and ecological crisis. Pressenza: Could education contribute…

Towards a new culture: reconciliation as a liberating experience

By Susana Chialina* The so called countries and their different constitutions come from thousands of years of obsolete social models and systems. They are archaic, discriminating and violent and have shaped a revengeful type of culture which today is deeply…

Human rights and education: a cross-sectoral approach in Latin America and the Caribbean

The seventh public event, organized by CLADE, in partnership with the Argentinean Campaign for the Right to Education (CADE), the Dakar Forum in Honduras, the Education and Human Development Forum of the Initiative for Nicaragua, was held today as part…

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