
South America

Even the Opposition Believes Venezuela’s Election Was Legitimate

By Vijay Prashad Before the National Assembly elections on December 6 in Venezuela, the United States government began a campaign to delegitimize the process. The U.S. government sanctioned the head of the National Electoral Council (CNE) and members of the…

Face 2 Face Teri Mattson

LIVE SHOW: Saturday, December 12 at 5 PM EST On this show we are speaking with Teri Mattson, Latin America Coordinator and a founder and coordinator for The Campaign to End US and Canada Sanctions against Venezuela. Our main discussion…

CLADE launches a report on Criminalization of the Student Struggle and Violation of Students’ Human Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean

Launched on Human Rights Day, December 10th, the document addresses the situation of students as protagonists in the defence of the right to education and other human rights and their increasing criminalisation in the region With the support of the…

Public letter: everything is interconnected as if we were one in this common house

2020 National Seminar — Forum on Climate Change and Social-Environmental Justice Public letter We, the participants of the 2020 National Seminar – Forum on Climate Change and Socio-Environmental Justice, gathered virtually from December 1st to 4th, 2020. We are representatives…

Low Turnout, but Free, Elections in Venezuela Are a Blow to Regime Change

By Leonardo Flores Venezuela held legislative elections on December 6 and, as has become the norm, the U.S. and sectors of the opposition that boycotted the election are claiming fraud without presenting evidence. The coalition of parties supporting President Maduro…

Building humanistic views on health

Last Sunday, REHUNO Health participated in the 5th Latin American Humanist Forum with the panel on “building humanistic views in health”, moderated by journalist Cloty Rubio, from Barcelona. The event included six presentations from professionals in different areas of health:…

Argentina seeks wealth tax: millionaires have to pay one third of the Corona crisis costs

By Philipp Stadler. In Argentina, the super-rich will have to pay for the costs of the Covid-19 crisis. The center-left government of the South American country decided in Novemeber 2020 on a new wealth tax for large fortunes over two…

Payments for the poor, taxation of the rich: Bolivia’s left-wing party returns to power

Bolivia elections 2020: MAS, the left-wing party of Evo Morales and Luis Acre claimes a landslide win. With this election victory, the Bolivian population has taught the ruling right-wing elite several lessons. It is a clear rejection of the opression…

Beyond the old world: lessons from the pandemic

I created the Integral Sustainability School with other partners, in 2015, in Salvador, Northeast of Brazil. In 2018, an inspiration that came during a long stay in India allowed me to write a short story called “Auroville, 2046. After the…


On November 27 and 28, 2020, the Neurodiversity Network participated in the 5th Latin American Humanist Forum, within a total of 27 thematic networks. The synthesis of the Neurodiversity Network was presented to the Forum by Maximiliano Bravo, a sociologist,…

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