
South America

Chile: a Rebellion that Continues

It seemed that nothing would ever happen in this country. Pinochet’s dictatorship, by far the most astute, calculating and efficient of all, sought not only to combat the left and any dissent, but also to reformat the soul of Chile,…

Despite U.S. Dirty Tricks, Bolivia Is Finding a Way to Stay Independent

Sentiments in Bolivia for and against the coup d’etat of November 2019 are predictably along class lines. Those from more affluent sections felt that the socialist policies of the government of President Evo Morales (which was in power from 2006…

Please, Latin America, Take Care of Your Children

Last week, President Biden nominated Vice President Harris to oversee the immigration issue at U.S. southern border, where thousands of unaccompanied minors are arriving from Central America. A few days later, ex-President Trumps said that “he will probably visit the…


POEM           For growing old For filling –rather spilling—out For the karma of going unnoticed For a rate of success with men since age 48 of: record negative double digits …and still falling (oh my god)…

Chile becomes one of the top COVID-19 vaccination leaders

After being one of the world’s most hard-hit nations with COVID-19, Chile has now managed to become one of the top countries in the vaccination of its population. According to government officials and health experts, the government’s early negotiations with…

Founder of the Theater of the Oppressed, playwright Augusto Boal would be turning 90

Recall the playwright’s contributions to Latin American culture and the working class Daniel Giovanaz A genuinely Brazilian, and also Latin American theater, in which workers appropriate artistic means of production and the boundaries between actor and spectator are blurred. This…

Brazil: Social Contagion Knocks on the Door

By Paulo Henrique Martins Art often anticipates historical trends not yet revealed. We can exemplify with the film “Contagion” (2011) directed by Soderbergh. The film deals with the spread of a virus that, like Covid 19, would have emerged in…

Bolivia: Ex-president Anez to serve pre-trial detention

The former Bolivian leader said on Twitter she had to serve four months “to await a trial for a ‘coup’ that never happened.” Former Bolivian President Jeanine Anez said on Sunday she had been given a four-month pre-trial detention after she was…

Brazil in the World

Next only to the worst destroyers of the earth’s climate slowing their destructive activities, one of the best steps that could be taken for this planet might be for the destroyers of the Amazon rain forests to knock it off.…

Brazil | Lula after the annulment of convictions: “Never give up”

In a press conference held at the headquarters of the Metalworkers Union, the former president criticized Bolsonaro Geisa Marques, Leandro Melito e Igor Carvalho “The word ‘give up’ does not exist in my dictionary. I learned with my mother: ‘always…

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