
South America

#SOSColombia in Times Square in Photos

Rally taking place in Times Square, New York to demand an end to the horrific state violence being committed by the Duque’s government. This protest is part of a global movement in solidarity with the Colombian people all over the…

Evo Morales condemns repression against mobilizations in Colombia

Bolivia’s former president Evo Morales on Thursday condemned the violence recorded since April 28 against the national strike in Colombia, with dozens of deaths. Colombia is suffering what Bolivia experienced in 2003, its people are suffering repression in an attempt…

Brazil: the impacts of wildcat mining for women

Indigenous peoples live in distress, anguish, and fear due to the illegal activity and the risk of mercury contamination By Martha Raquel Illicit mining activity has daily impacts on indigenous peoples in Brazil. Invasions ushered by wildcat mining meddle and…

The Henry Borel Case : Death, Militias, And The Media In Rio De Janeriro 1

Luciane Silva, Tiago Abud, Eliz Rosa – Researches with the Núcleo Cidade Cultura e Conflito of UENF The death of Henry Borel, a child of 4 years, has captured the attention of the researchers for the Núcleo de Pesquisa Cidade,…

50 years of Open Veins of Latin America: “a book to understand life and the world”

Eduardo Galeano’s work celebrates half a century shedding light on the realities of Latin American peoples Michele de Mello April may be seen as a month of mourning, as every April 13th since 2015 marks another year since Eduardo Galeano’s…

US Role Behind the Defeat of Ecuador’s Leftist Presidential Candidate

The US role in the defeat of leftist Andrés Arauz in Ecuador’s presidential contest on April 11 was not overt because it did not need to be, according to a high-ranking Latin American diplomat. We met with the diplomat and…

Between Upheavals and Hope: Migrants Test Chile’s Ethical Scaffolding

By Maxine Lowy After four days on the road, since boarding the first bus in Machala, Ecuador, they were finally in Tacna. Lorena Zambrano and her two small children had barely slept or eaten well on the buses but now…

The legacy of Bolivia’s El Mallku: ‘Self-governance is fundamental’ for indigenous peoples

Written by Ruben Hilari ‘Jiwaspach apnaqasiña’ has become a motto of the Aymara people In Bolivia, the slogan “Jiwaspachaw apnaqasjañasa” (“Self-governance is fundamental”) can often be heard in indigenous Aymara communities—in meetings, assemblies, city neighborhoods, conferences, in the media, and in…

Chile´s CUT calls for a strike

Workers´ Trade Union (CUT) of Chile called for a nationwide strike on April 30 in order to celebrate International Workers’ Day and to demand better salary conditions. On this occasion, the protest is aimed at demanding the government to approve…

The Dirty Campaign Underlying Ecuador’s “Free and Fair” Election

Ecuador’s April 11 election that led to a 5-point victory by conservative banker Guillermo Lasso over progressive candidate Andrés Arauz was not what it appeared to be. On the surface, it was a surprisingly clean and professional election, as our…

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