
South America

Musings and Reflections

Looks and Landscapes         by Thelma F. Reymundo-Juarez #1 coming from behind, smells pungent and fragrant… tastes sweet and bitter race to the front lines. ah, memories may be buried but not dead.   #2 Words are…

Open letter to Greta Thunberg

Dear Greta Thunberg: I write this letter to you, regretting that finally you were not able to come to Chile on December 2019, due to the cancellation of the environmental summit that was going to be developed in our dearest…

Peace in Colombia Should Mean Land Reform and an End to Hunger

Since the end of April, Colombia’s streets have smelled of tear gas. The government of Colombian President Iván Duque imposed policies that put the costs of the pandemic on the working class and the peasantry and triedto suffocate any advancement…

The Eternal Outcasts

If there is one segment of society that lacks authority over their lives, it is that of children and adolescents, the great majority in practically all the countries of our America. We are young and growing societies; however, the prevailing…

[Peru] Feminicide and Criminal Policy

In Peru there is no defined policy against feminicide. The figures are alarming. During the year 2020, 138 cases of women murdered by their own husbands, cohabitants or partners were registered. So far in 2021, 47 cases of feminicides have…

Chile Woke Up and Opened Up the Great Avenues.

The thesis of the acceleration of historical time, from the point of intersection between objective and subjective conditions, is the only one that was confirmed in the resplendent results of the elections of 15 and 16 May. By Francisco Herreros…

Chile: From the Anger of Destitution to the Hope of a Constituent Assembly

More than a week after the constituent elections in Chile, all analyses agree that it was an election which disgraced the traditional parties, with a right wing and a DC obtaining their worst results, a social democracy which is submerged…

“There is no justice for indigenous communities. That is the reality.”

On the 11th of August of 1994, section 17 (1) of the new article 75 which recognised the pre-existing indigenous villages, their culture, and the right of occupancy and property of their ancestral lands among others, was unanimously approved by…

Families start urban occupation in search of new horizons in Campos

Within the coronavirus pandemic and a progressive reduction in social investments at the municipal, state and national levels, hundreds of families begin the largest urban occupation reported in the recent history of the municipality of Campos dos Goytacazes, the largest…

US Trying to Extradite Venezuelan Diplomat for the ‘Crime’ of Securing Food for the Hungry: The Case of Alex Saab v. The Empire

The case of Alex Saab raises dangerous precedents in terms of extraterritorial judicial abuse, violation of diplomatic status, and even the use of torture to extract false confessions. This is according to Montréal-based international human rights lawyer John Philpot. He…

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