
South America

Evo Morales to talk to Latin American communicators about RUNASUR

On Monday 2 August at 10 am (Bolivia), the Foro de Comunicación para la Integración de NuestrAmérica (FCINA) will interview Evo Morales Ayma, in the framework of the launch of the communication ecosystem of RUNASUR -the UNASUR of the Peoples-,…

Sex Workers and COVID-19: Resisting the Pandemic and Criminalization

Georgina Orellano, secretary-general of the Association of Women Sex Workers of Argentina (AMMAR), says that “the pandemic has highlighted the inequality” in society and deepened the problems faced by sex workers. Sex work, which is not recognized in Argentina, has…

We go on… and it will be beautiful

The results of the primary elections have made Apruebo Dignidad the largest political and social coalition in the country, which could allow – for the first time since 1990 – a left-wing pact to have a real chance of becoming…

Tea House

POEM  I love your poetry he said and poured his soul into my teacup   I was as usual afire with thirst It was still winter   No end in sight   Being a geisha of words an angel stunned…

Brazil’s Indigenous Peoples: a Struggle for Everyone

Between 8 and 30 June, around 2,000 indigenous peoples camped out in Brasilia in front of the Supreme Federal Court (STF) – Brazil’s highest legal instance – to reject the application of the “temporary framework” in a case brought by…

US Targets Nicaraguan Presidential Election: Former Solidarity Activists Echo Imperial Talking Points

Before Henry Kissinger became a Clinton pal, liberals condemned him for saying: “I don’t see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its people. The issues are much too important…

I’ll take care of it

POEM         If you don’t want to love I’ll take care of it I will love.   If you don’t want to smile I’ll take care of it I will smile.   If you don’t want to…

Human Rights Investigators Probe Deadly Colombian Government Crackdown on Protests

An international human rights commission has arrived in Colombia to investigate the right-wing government’s brutal crackdown on protesters after a general strike was called in April. More than 80 people have died since the protests began, with many killed by…

Mapuche woman elected president of the Chilean Constitutional Convention

“we express our solidarity for the suffering of the native peoples of canada”. By Claudia Aranda The Mapuche teacher, together with the ancestral spiritual authority, Machi Francisca Linconao, went up to the podium, where the new president of the Constitutional…


POEM           I put myself in your skin, and I was you. I felt your awe, your fear, your pain, your pleasure, and the divine spark that became the Force within you, impelling you forward since…

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